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Goodbye Jesus

Life Is Pointless With Out God


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So the Christians tell us, but its an easy statement to ridicule


Work is pointless if you don't own the company


Calling yourself a Christian is pointless if you don't follow the Bible


Saying a prayer is pointless if the answer is always silence


Going to visit a stately home is pointless if you are not going to live there................


Dogs and cats live without god, are their lives pointless, of course not, they are happy in themselves if treated well, and bring happiness to their carers.



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Being a Christian is pointless if the Christian is not herself God.  An after-life is pointless without an after-after-life.  Heaven is pointless without a blue ribbon pinned to your chest.  They are right -- things are pointless unless you give them meaning.  Christians are the experts in making meaningful things pointless.  They have spent so much time developing the habit of living a pointless life, that even if they were sent to heaven, I think they would check-out because it was pointless.  It must make them happy somehow to live a pointless life, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.

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Even an afterlife, seems pointless in principle............


So you get to Heaven and spend 20 trillion years telling  God that he is Holy, holy, holy ..............and then what

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Even an afterlife, seems pointless in principle............


So you get to Heaven and spend 20 trillion years telling God that he is Holy, holy, holy ..............and then what

Then God gets bored, again, and wipes out existence and starts all over.


If you have never read a Marvel Comic book you should check some out. They tackle issues like this in them. Check out "The End" by Marvel. I dont want to give it away, if you havent read it but it involes the infinity stones. There really is a lot of creative thinking in these books and have some very good ideas about, whats next.



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Even an afterlife, seems pointless in principle............


So you get to Heaven and spend 20 trillion years telling God that he is Holy, holy, holy ..............and then what

Then God gets bored, again, and wipes out existence and starts all over.




That is an excellent point. If Yahweh is real, we are told be the Bible that  He does change His mind...maybe He will get fed up with Christians bowing to Him in Heaven after 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 billion years and feel they are stinking up the joint and He will start again 

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Guest sylensikeelyoo



Even an afterlife, seems pointless in principle............

So you get to Heaven and spend 20 trillion years telling God that he is Holy, holy, holy ..............and then what


Then God gets bored, again, and wipes out existence and starts all over.

That is an excellent point. If Yahweh is real, we are told be the Bible that  He does change His mind...maybe He will get fed up with Christians bowing to Him in Heaven after 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 billion years and feel they are stinking up the joint and He will start again

Yeah! Exactly! Yahweh supposedly came back down to earth during the construction of the tower of Babel. Ever wonder why he came down in the first place? He was probably bored. This was a few generations after the flood (how 8 people produced enough offspring to fill an entire city in just a couple generations is a fucking mystery to me) so Noah and his sons were likely dead at this point. So Yahweh goes down there and sees this tower the people built and he doesn't like it. So he does the only decent thing for a deity of infinite wisdom and power and he confuses their languages. Never mind that this act would one day cause problems for his people, as the only evidence for his existence is written in a holy book, which would have to be translated and re translated throughout the millenia, causing confusion and loss between the different languages. Languages he created that day. So, the moral of the story: A bored god is a confusing god. Lol

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The book of revelation describes the duties of some of the monsters in Heaven, who are tasked with singing out that God, is holy, holy , holy , day and night without any rest.......


One assumes He never tires of it, although one suspects that they might 

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“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.”

Alan Watts

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