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Christians: What's Your Effing Problem?

Guest sylensikeelyoo

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Bear with me my friends. I woke up cranky and feeling like shit. It's that time of the month and day one kicks my ass. I need chocolate but I'm too tired to go get some. But I thought I'd vent a little. This is kind of an update to yesterday's rant, "Don't Feel Sorry For Me Christians "


So, I can't help but notice the influx of Christian visitors lately, but I am still new so maybe this is typical and im being overly sensitive because my body is going through its battle with mother nature at the moment. But seriously: What IS your problem with people who are different than you, Christians? I mean, we tolerate you here because that's the right thing to do,but if we were to troll a Christian website, challenging your crazy ass doctrine and shit, we'd get banned in a heartbeat.


But...like..WHY do you insist on coming over to a website geared toward apostates and heathens, and although many of us know your holy Scriptures better than YOU, still hang on us like flies on shit? Why do this to yourselves? I've seen you guys get smashed to pieces in theological debates, but yet you persist. WHY?


WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM? why do you have such a problem with us disagreeing with you and rejecting your God? Why can't you just live and let live, you know? In your minds, we are gonna burn in the worst parts of hell, being apostates and all. In most religions, apostasy is one of the worst sins you can commit apart from blasphemy so why even bother with us?


Fuck me I need a Tylenol.

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     You may not now but someday you'll appreciate they're here.  You need to have real xians to spar with otherwise you're just shadow boxing.  You may think you're doing well but if/when you finally come up against a real world opponent you'll have no actually experience without these folks coming around here.  Sure, they're mostly annoying idiots but that's all we can afford.



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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Yeah MWC I've noticed when I'm feeling well and healthy I don't mind them. I even enjoy talking with em. It's just yesterday and today I'm especially sensitive. The blessing and the curse of being female I suppose. Or maybe it's just my personality, I dunno. These possibilities never occurred to me as a Christian. I always thought these feelings were demonic and I would seek exercism. Every 28 days. Lolz.

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I've only been here about five years.  In that time, although I haven't kept accurate records, the quantity of Christians that post in the forums on this site is not large, maybe a few new ones each month.  Of those, some are drive bys (a few posts at most, usually hate filled), some stick around for a time and leave of their own choosing, some do that but leave because they are banned and a very few stick around for a long time (currently I can think of only two that fit this category).  As to the "quality" of Christians which post in these forums, it pretty much a mixed bag.  A few are quite intelligent, well read and present thought-provoking dialog.  Some are truly delusional and emotionally and psychologically dysfunctional.  Most are somewhere inbetween and follow some common patterns which evidence childhood religious indoctrination, underdeveloped (or wholly lacking) critical/rational thinking skills and an obvious lack of education is several areas, particularly science, history and (curiously) Biblical history.


Each has every right to be here, subject to the terms of use.  Indeed, this forum invites them here.


One thing I have noticed is that many Ex-Christians here believe that presence of many of the Chrstians here, along with the generated back and forth dialog, is quite helpful to the lurkers reading these exchanges (but not participating) who may be considering deconverting from one of the many Christianity sects.  I tend to agree with this although I have no actual evidence or statistical study to support this claim.

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There were a lot more when I joined 8 years ago. We had fresh meat on a weekly basis.


I miss picking on the newbies. They were all soft and chewy in the middle...

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I don't know.  I remeber stumbling into this site as a Christian once years ago and left right away because, frankly, it scared me at the time.  I've only been here a few years but haven't seen many Christians consistenly post-only one I can think of and she usually spends long periods dormant and says she's praying for us and stuff. But I don't spend a ton of time in the den either. 

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Honey, you need to keep an emergency supply of chocolate somewhere in your home for Day One, because we never feel well enough to go out and get it, and it really does help.


Menfolk and other partners/family, show your deep and genuine love for the woman in your life by getting chocolate for her when she is in dire hormonal need.  You will be touched by the FSM's noodly appendage as a result.

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One thing I have noticed is that many Ex-Christians here believe that presence of many of the Chrstians here, along with the generated back and forth dialog, is quite helpful to the lurkers reading these exchanges (but not participating) who may be considering deconverting from one of the many Christianity sects.  I tend to agree with this although I have no actual evidence or statistical study to support this claim.


I agree with this. Even as an Ex-C, I enjoy reading the exchanges between the Xtians and the Ex-Cs. They spark conversations, complete with scriptural quotes and biblical references, that I don't think would occur on their own within the typical banter back and forth between just Ex-Cs. And I know that I read a lot, A LOT, more than I post. I always assume there are lurkers around. Even if one person learns something, it's worth it. That's why when there is an obvious troll, a lot of members continue to "feed the troll." It's not for his benefit, it's for everyone else. :)

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we need fundies in thi website just like batman need joker 

or jesus need lucifer :P

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  • Super Moderator

Most Ex-Christians know the Bible, its history and the evolution of church teachings much better than any practicing Christian does. Having gained that knowledge is why most of us left. We often find that we're debating/arguing with our former, less informed selves. What Christian visitors don't get is that we were once they, and we usually know what they will say before they do. So please, do straighten me out, Mr. Christian!


And yes, people definitely are watching how the Holy and the Heathen are comporting themselves around here.

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I think part of it is evangelical Christians in general have boundary issues. Personal space, rights and beliefs simply are not valid to them. Neil Carter over at Patheos has a great article on this topic.



We are errant children who can't be trusted to form our own valid views, because we obviously haven't poured hours of our lives into trying to discern whether Christianity is true or not (as Not Right in the Head pointed out). So, they keep pushing, because "no" really means "yes". A former member of the church I used to go to also wrote a telling blog post about how yes, your sex life really is her business because she must be sure it is in keeping with the guidelines handed down from on High. As a Christian, she is in a special place of privilege and knowledge of what god wants in the most private part of our lives. That is the mindset. No ideas or values are valid outside of their God bubble, so thus our thoughts, feelings, and persons are also not valid unless in keeping with their "worldview". So they keep coming back. Alack. 

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Sorry, meant to credit florduh in that last post! Oops. 

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I tend to think that most Christians who come here are secretly thinking of leaving their faith and joining the heathen fray. Kind of like how some people go to GLBT bars and clubs for awhile when they are still in their questioning phase.

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I tend to think that most Christians who come here are secretly thinking of leaving their faith and joining the heathen fray. Kind of like how some people go to GLBT bars and clubs for awhile when they are still in their questioning phase.


There may be something to this. When I was a Christian I used to feel envious of atheists. I so wished Christianity wasn't true so I didn't have to feel guilty and worthless. But I WAS so convinced it was absolute fact that it took years and years for me to get to this point.

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