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Biblical Contradictions Denied...


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So I went on a road trip with my family to Memphis, TN. We had a great time to be sure. Unfortunately, I had to listen to KLove all the way there and back since I forgot my earbuds. On the way home, there was a "food for thought" type thing on the radio by Lui Palau (sp?) about contradictions in the Bible. He flat out said that there were no contradictions in the Bible, that he had read through, and for people just to continue talking to their friends about the contradictions and the context that things are said in. I'm kind of still in shock eight hours later.

Here are just a few that I know about and can remember:

All four Gospels have differing stories of the death/resurrection.

Two of them (I think) have differing stories of Judas' death/burial place.

Two creation stories.

Varying stories written to build up David and/or tear him down. (Learned about that one in bible college oddly enough).


Also, The Skeptic's Annotated Bible has tons of information not to mention what one can find on this forum and elsewhere on the internet. 

*face palm*

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So I went on a road trip with my family to Memphis, TN. We had a great time to be sure. Unfortunately, I had to listen to KLove all the way there and back since I forgot my earbuds. On the way home, there was a "food for thought" type thing on the radio by Lui Palau (sp?) about contradictions in the Bible. He flat out said that there were no contradictions in the Bible, that he had read through, and for people just to continue talking to their friends about the contradictions and the context that things are said in. I'm kind of still in shock eight hours later.

Here are just a few that I know about and can remember:

All four Gospels have differing stories of the death/resurrection.

Two of them (I think) have differing stories of Judas' death/burial place.

Two creation stories.

Varying stories written to build up David and/or tear him down. (Learned about that one in bible college oddly enough).


Also, The Skeptic's Annotated Bible has tons of information not to mention what one can find on this forum and elsewhere on the internet.

*face palm*

Yes, the SAB is a great read and i read it daily. I still get a kick out of God and Jacob(or Isreal, God cant seem to keep track of his name changing)physically wrestling and God not being able to break free from him. Too funny, i get the visual everytime i see that. Genesis 32:24-30.
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Well just because a person claims to have read the Bible all the way through, doesn't mean they actually have. He'll say anything to get people to believe because it's a popular radio station.


Here's another contradiction for you: Three differing accounts of Paul's conversion on the road to Damacus.


Two versions of that:


Acts 9:7-And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.


Acts: 22:9-And they that were with me indeed saw the light, and were afraid; they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.


Paul also told someone else later in Acts that no one was with him when God showed himself to Paul and Paul alone but I can't seem to find that specific verse right now.

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So I went on a road trip with my family to Memphis, TN. We had a great time to be sure. Unfortunately, I had to listen to KLove all the way there and back since I forgot my earbuds. On the way home, there was a "food for thought" type thing on the radio by Lui Palau (sp?) about contradictions in the Bible. He flat out said that there were no contradictions in the Bible, that he had read through, and for people just to continue talking to their friends about the contradictions and the context that things are said in. I'm kind of still in shock eight hours later.

Here are just a few that I know about and can remember:

All four Gospels have differing stories of the death/resurrection.

Two of them (I think) have differing stories of Judas' death/burial place.

Two creation stories.

Varying stories written to build up David and/or tear him down. (Learned about that one in bible college oddly enough).


Also, The Skeptic's Annotated Bible has tons of information not to mention what one can find on this forum and elsewhere on the internet. 

*face palm*

You noticed that Lui Palau of the KLove station lies.  Are you surprised?

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Not so much surprised as just *face palming* at the stupidity. I normally listen to my iPhone or podcasts. 

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Given that the Christian Bible commands in the old and new Testaments against lying, (Thou shalt not bear false witness--Ten Commandments; All liars have their part in the lake that burns with brimstone and fire--Revelation 21:8), I simply don't get it that Christians can lie left and right in the name of Jesus. It's not as though Jesus condones it, according to the Bible.

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You forgot the implicit command, 'Do as I say, not as I do.'  That's an important one.

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Oh, Christians lie all the time "protect" each other from the "dangers" of the world and such.


No matter what one calls it, a lie is a lie.


Personally, I don't care that people lie. Everybody lies. It's an instinctual self-preservation tactic and it's probably the basis of our imaginations (just watch "The Invention of Lying"). I actually expect Christians to lie because they are constantly lying to themselves about their beliefs.

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You can make any contradiction go away when you:

make words not mean what they mean

invent additional entities (e.g. Jesus was crucified surrounded by four other guys - two bandits, two evil doers)

invent additional occurrences of same story (e.g. Sermon on Mount, Sermon on Plain two different sermons)


for tough number contradictions, say the manuscript copyists messed up, not God


if all else fails, say it's an apparent contradiction, that you know God will make it clear some day, and in the meantime, attack the skeptic's character


For fundies, the inerrancy principle trumps all other principles.  They'd rather have two passages sound totally stupid than admit they are human documents.

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Guest Furball

 He flat out said that there were no contradictions in the Bible,


that he had read through, 


1. This is a blanket statement. They also use statements like 'the bible has been proven through archeology', or 'the bible is historically accurate.' None of these statements are true. When people use these blanket statements, those of us who know our bibles and know the facts and evidence can usually back them into corner right away. 


2. I seriously doubt he has read through any of it, otherwise he wouldn't have said what he said. 


Nothing new here - Cat

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...This is a blanket statement...

Very true. How often did we hear something like that from the pulpit and we just believed it?


Pretty much all the time because we were conditioned to believe that the pastor/evangelist/missionary/guest speaker knew what he/she was talking about.


Plus, most believers haven't actually checked the facts for themselves. They read the Bible in the context it was presented to them in on Sunday or they only look for "answers" from Christian sources...can't trust anything from "The World"!


And then you run into a Christian source that says something different from what is touted as "truth" within your own church and, whoa, it's on, brother. How dare someone else have a different interpretation of that!


By then, you have totally forgotten whatever it was you were questioning and you are fully embroiled in Biblical debate with this false prophet who must have been sent to firm up your own foundations because you had dared to question God.


Can anyone relate? Oh...everyone? Okay then. tongue.png

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Wow. Lui Palau is still on there? Good old KLove. Not surprised at the blanket statements.  Had a preacher one time explain his doubts away to the congregation by assuring us that there were people who were called to investigate that sort of thing (contradictions, archaelogical discoveries) and obviously no one had found anything to place enough doubt in the minds of Christians since there are still so many....   yeah, that was an interesting sermon. 

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     I think the way to resolve this is to first do a word study on the word "contradiction." ;)



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