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Goodbye Jesus

Had A Very Mature Conversation With My Son

Guest sylensikeelyoo

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That is a very good change. Excellent parenting Mom!!

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Aw, how sweet!  That is a good change. yellow.gif Made me happy for the both of you! 

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Cool story.

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Good job.  To be flexible, adaptable is an awesome thing.  There is nothing so sweet and liberating than to change your mind, and to be ready again to change your mind when the proof is there.  A humanist's beliefs are tools for intelligent action rather than a fragile egg on the shelf.

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Cool. smile.png

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Excellent read, and it is always very liberating to have open discussions with your kids like that. I'm sure it made his day to hear your approval on whatever he decides to do.

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Wow. :)

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What if you change your mind in the event he does marry a same sex partner?


You can say that you won't. But I'm sure you would've said the same when you were a Fundy.


I'm just thinking out loud here. Don't mind me.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

What if you change your mind in the event he does marry a same sex partner?

You can say that you won't. But I'm sure you would've said the same when you were a Fundy.

I'm just thinking out loud here. Don't mind me.

You mean, like, suddenly decide I won't support my son's life choices? I doubt it. That's highly inconsistent with my character. However, it might be possible that the guy or girl he is dating treats him like shit and that's the reason I don't like him or her. But I'm pretty sure if my son is gay or bi I won't have an issue with it. I'm not flaky like that.

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I love it when a parents make their children feel good about themselves and give them the freedom to find themselves instead of making them put on a role. Your son can be happy to have you as his mom.

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Very cool!  My mother would have started shrieking and demanding who put those thoughts into my head.  Rock on, sylens!

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So beautiful, your son can be happy with such a mom! This warms my heart. 

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I love that you told him to find the right person who will love him back!  What a great conversation!  My 7 year old son recently was pointing out kids in his class photo telling me who he was in love with, and he mentioned a boy a few times.  He would get nervous and then point out a girl right away.  I made sure he knew it was ok to love the boy too. I also explained that when he is young it is best to have friendship love, and that when he is a grown up and done with school he can start to think about the kissy kissy love (his description of romantic love).  I have a friend who just married his long time partner, so I think my son is just trying the idea on, but I want him to know that as long as he is loved I am happy.


So I explained to him that first off he needs to wait till he graduates college, so at least 21 or 22, and that he needed to find the RIGHT girl, one who would treat him right and love him just as much as he loved her. Secondly, I explained that those girls in those music videos aren't real. Many of them put their bodies through so much harm to get them to look like that. Real girls have imperfect bodies, and that shouldn't be his focus anyway. I told him he needs to find someone who has inner qualities that are "good", and "beautiful", such as compassion, selflessness, patience, etc.




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So sweet!  I can't imagine not loving and supporting my young adult children no matter what they do.  


Your son is very lucky.

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You have a smart kid there. :)

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