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Goodbye Jesus

Why Fight If We Don't Believe


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This is one line of Christian thinking. If we don't believe , then why not just leave well alone. The Christians are not doing any harm, so leave them alone......


Christians do an awful lot of harm. Through history , they have murdered their way to the top table. That they rarely act like this now is a credit to the scores of free thinkers who opposed them. Their Biblical texts to kill remain


Christian parents still (although  thankfully rarely) choose prayer of medicine.


Christian Presidents and Prime Ministers  sleep well at night, I'm sure, after  sending bombs to kill infidels.....usually brown skinned infidels


Christian educators sometimes prefer woo to science


Some Christian leaders welcome the end of the world..........in a nuclear age, this is concerning


Christians usually live a life of hypocrisy and ignorance...........




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I think one of the worst harms of xianity is fundy parenting that involves physical and psychological abuse of children.  This potentially involves millions of people.

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To add, if a grown up Christian wants to live in a cave , wearing rags and spending most of their time using their thoughts to beg forgiveness for being born, then that's up to them


When a grown up Christian  wants to live in the White House and tell the rest of the world how to live, then "Houston, we have a problem"

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Because we're not fighting against the belief itself (like you said, who cares?), we're fighting against the people who use their own minds to twist the words of an ancient book to do whatever the hell they want and claim it's from a "higher power". 


That my friend, is BULL SHIT. And someone has to call them out on it.

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When anti-choice xians are in positions of power and put undue burden on abortion clinics that make them close down, or put undue burden on the women that need a timely safe abortion, that is worth fighting against.


And I have read post after post on this site about when they were young children, how people here were terrified of the idea of hell.  Small children crying alone at night because they are afraid of a horrifying thing that their trusted grown ups assured them was real, is terrible.  Small children worried that a beloved grandparent was sent to hell because they weren't a believer is also terrible.  Small children should not have such huge, terrifying worries put on their shoulders.


I have heard people, in tears, calling in to xian radio help shows, asking if "god will let me get divorced."  Being forced to spend your one and only life in a miserable, abusive, or degrading marriage is a waste of that life.  Hearing adults asking like young children, "am I allowed?" is heart-breaking and shows how deep that indoctrination is.  

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The church has overwhelmingly been on the wrong side of most social ills.


They supported slavery as long as they dared


They denied women equal rights


They denied  even basic rights 


If society had not fought back against the church, we would all still live in huts.. 

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I haven't had a Christian leave ME alone yet if the subject of religion comes up. At that point they absolutely HAVE to stick a label on me because they're uncomfortable without knowing where to pigeon-hole me.


I guess it hasn't happened very much in the last few years, but it's nice to have a good fight every now and then.

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The problem with Christianity is it is constructed to survive for years and years (much like Islam) with it's persecution complex. If someone is oppsed to it, the Christian views the opposer as "in the dark," in danger of spending eternity in Hell, and, in some cases, as being influenced by Satan (maybe even possessed by demons). Then the Christian either sees it as their duty to witness and help bring this person to Jesus/God or they see this person as something to overcome as if it's God testing them.  If too many people disagree with the Christian they will view it as veing oppressed or executed even if this isn't the case. They believe it's their duty to create a Christian world for future generations even if it comes at a great cost to others (though they would never see themselves as persecutors despite Christianity's long history of persecuting those that question the belief). 

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We fight because we have an enemy.


The enemy is prejudice.


Prejudice demands conformity.


Conforming to the prejudice causes inequity.


One cannot refuse to conform without fighting back.

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