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The Pope And The Environment


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I'll state it up front. I hate the Pope and everything his position stands for. Every time I look at him, I only see an old, outdated institution that stole from the poor to give to the rich for over 1000 years and is still desperately trying to maintain that position.


In an apparent effort to get support from the young folks of the world, the pope has come out with a tirade against what we are doing to our planet and some ideas of how we should fix it.




God's representative on earth is blaming US for ruining the earth and can't think of a better way to FIX it?! I challenge old man to PRAY to his god to save us from ourselves. Isn't that the whole fu(king point of his religion and position? Isn't he the direct descendant and representative of Jesus Christ?!


Quit blaming us and start talking to your God. Or shut the hell up and leave us alone.

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My problem with it is the political impossibilities and the economic ramifications. OK, so he can encourage the developed western Christian-based nations to enact even further restrictions on output (manufacturing, jet engines, automobiles, air conditioning, and on and on), but if China, for example, doesn't do it -- what happens? They are huge, and their pollution is huge. Their industries will carry on unfettered by environmental (thereby economic) restrictions, while ours have to spend untold billions cleaning up their acts. So China's economy can overtake ours (at least temporarily), while the dent we try to make in pollution output is dwarfed by their increased output.


I'm not saying we shouldn't try to clean up our acts, but are we spitting in the ocean (environmentally) and shooting ourselves in the foot (economically)?


Unless he has some magical remedy for this imbalance (and I assume he has little "pull" in China from a religious authority standpoint), then what is his point? Should all the good little Catholics of the world drive their cars less, turn down their air conditioners, and conserve water and such? Yes, that's lovely and every little bit helps I guess, but it's pittance in the face of larger producers.


It's just more control mechanisms and wishful thinking from a bogus authority.

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I can't possibly be the only one who thinks it's hypocritical of God's messenger on Earth to blame HUMANS when GOD is allowing this to happen can I? And what about the fact the second coming? Why bother cleaning it all up if God is coming back to clean it up for us? What's the Pope's concern? Does he not really believe in the 2nd coming?


I'm at a loss that the news doesn't see the extreme irony.

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I cannot for the life of me understand why the pope gets front-page headlines in my local paper when he says something.  There should be more articles featuring the latest information from scientists.

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What I find ironic about it is that the pope really isn't doing anything other than saying something we already know. If he proposed a solid plan to improve environmental protection, I'd be interested, but all he's really doing is calling attention to an issue people already know about. Same thing with immigration issues, which he talked about a while ago. He points out a problem, but hes not the one who actually has to find a solution to it, its the leaders of different countries and interest groups that have to actually figure out the complexities of what to do. 


Not to mention the enormous wealth the Vatican has. Is he going to be using some of that wealth to give to environmental groups? Probably not.

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He should talk to china if he really gave a shit about it.

He's trying to appeal to a new crowd or else to get some leverage of some sort.

Fuck him and his opinion on everything until he cleans his house of all the horrors. Fuck him!

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I guess the Pope has time to lecture us all on science now that his church had exorcised all of the demons out of Mexico, and we all know that the Catholic church is always spot on when it comes to science and morality.



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It took the RCC until 1992 to formally admit they were wrong about Galileo -- and they want us to listen to them on matters of science?


Considering that many environmental alarmists decry overpopulation as the cause of over-consuming and polluting of the earth's resources, how about the RCC change its stance on birth control?


In order to stop the rampant spread of AIDS in Africa, for example, perhaps the RCC should admit they were wrong by saying condoms don't help?


The church taking a lead on issues of science and social ills -- what a joke.

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God's representative on earth is blaming US for ruining the earth 


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Popes in older times would be a political force of varying effectiveness, and could make plans and talk to world leaders to get stuff done. this pope is functionally a half-assed progressive website. in a world of so much information, one more person "calling for action" is a complete waste of time. it the Vatican wants to have respect and authority, it needs to take the lead through actual action. and get results.


before any reasonable person will ever listen to the catholic church again though, they need to clean out their shit, not just ignoring the fact that it smells, very badly.




that being said, it is nice to see a conservative figure supporting environmental issues.



(edit) one more thing, if the pope wants to save the environment so much, then why doesn't he source his papal robes, gold pillars and choir boys from only sustainable sources?

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