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Goodbye Jesus

You Can't Know


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Christians say , you cannot disprove God and you cannot know everything.....


This is true enough. As humans we have to live with very incomplete knowledge. We may never know how the universe came into being for certain, or what came before it. We may not live long enough as a species to solve the hard questions of how the brain works, or to send manned craft deep into the vastness of space........


I think we can be reasonable sure that we cannot get an invisible being to do as we ask, by pointing magic thoughts at Him, however

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Christians say , you cannot disprove God and you cannot know everything.....

The exact same statement is also reason to not accept the Christian version of God so it really kind of shoots their own argument in the foot.

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Guest Furball

1. Christians say , you cannot disprove God


2.  you cannot know everything.....




1. Well....they are wrong. The christian god has been disproven all over this website, the internet, and in scholarly books as well. All one has to do is obey the bible and see that god and jesus never make good on their promises. Which either proves god and jesus to be pathological liars or non existent. They will not admit that god or jesus can lie, so they are forced into a corner by seeing that their god cannot exist. 


2. That is funny, because christians are the most arrogant people i have ever met in this world because they believe they DO know everything based on their book of myths the bible. 

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