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Is The Republican Party As Jesus Obsessed As They Are Stereotyped


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Just curious, please enlighten me

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Yes. It only becomes an act the higher up you go. 


Jesus is white, therefore God is white, and therefore white men should run everything and tell everybody what to do, like it has always been. That is the core, but now unspoken, assumption among Republicans. 

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It has always been my impression that the top brass in the party use Jesus / religion as needed to get votes from the masses of "true believers".

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One of my favorite quotes. It also illustrates how frustrating the Republicans are beyond their rhetoric. What I mean is, Democrats are really no different than Republicans other than a few key social issues. Both only represent their own corporate/lobbyist/statist interests. Choosing the "lesser of two evils" still means you're getting fucked. 



“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”


- Barry Goldwater

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Given the addiction to Jesus these days, one suspects the founding fathers wouldn't get very far in today's America 

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Many republicans are embarrassed by the religious part of party but can't dump them imho

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The Republicans and allied right wingers I personally know are mostly NOT obsessed with religion. They do, however, embrace many of the ideals that sprang from religious manipulation of the party line.

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Kansas Governor Brownback is a catholic fundy and is destroying Kansas. Of course he is backed by the Koch brothers and I don't know what their religious backgrounds are. I would guess they are not as fundamental, but it's hard to detect who is more in control - the fundies or the Koch types.

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In a word: Yes.

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I don't think so. I remember Bill Clinton who "was seen" going to church carrying a big fat Bible and calling in a "reverend" or two to the White House during his scandal days. I remember Jimmy Carter catching flak for saying he would pray about the B-2 (or B-52 or whatever) bomber back in the day.

IMHO, politicians are all pretty much the dregs of society nowadays and will do or say anything they think will help them in their careers. 


On a side note, can we make the Koch brothers and George Soros fight it out in a cage match?  That would be fun to watch. 

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. Most of this rhetoric is nothing more than an attempt by Democrats to tip public sentiment in their favor - just as I suspect you started this thread for much the same reason.


If this was NOT your intention then I apologize for my assertion.





No, it was not my intention, was merely curious, having not been to the US in years.............................. 

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As a registered Republican I find the attempts at stereotyping us all as far-right, racists, anti-gay, homophobic, anti-female, uneducated, fundamentalist religious wackos, to be both insulting and hopelessly immature. Most of this rhetoric is nothing more than an attempt by Democrats to tip public sentiment in their favor - just as I suspect you started this thread for much the same reason. If this was NOT your intention then I apologize for my assertion.


That said - do I know some of the people I described above? Yes. Is that the norm for Republicans - I sincerely hope NOT! Do some in the party exploit those who fit the stereotype? Yes. Michelle Bachman is but one of them.


I notice you are from GB so let me educate you on American politics. The terms left and right apply to more than just the social aspect (god, guns, and gays). They also apply to the application of government. Left (Democrats) TEND to be in favor of more governmental control. Right (Republicans/libertarians) TEND to favor less government in their lives. Of course these tendencies change as they relate to the bedroom or the boardroom.


Hope this helps.

    - MOHO -


If it offends you that republicans are perceived as "far-right, racists, anti-gay, homophobic, anti-female, uneducated, fundamentalist religious wackos," then I hope you are doing everything in your power to prevent politicians to whom these labels apply from being elected. That not only includes not voting for them, but also calling them out in public forums and the like.


I think it would be wonderful to see a movement within the republican party to "throw the bums out." Unfortunately, I don't see that happening. What I do see is a lot of paranoid republicans who are too scared to speak out against the bums in their own party because they think that would give power to the democrats. There's far too much "my party right or wrong and the hell with good governance" on both sides, but since I see more extremism from the republican side, that worries me more,.

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MOHO - I hear you. I was raised by Democrats but became a Republican when I became an evangelical. I know plenty of good people on both sides of the political divide. I personally have no problem with the general public on either side and I really think that most Americans of both stripes are far more middle-of-the-road than the media would have us all believe. I am now a registered Independent because I agree with aspects of both sides and disagree with aspects of both sides. The problem I have is with the highest levels of leadership. The only way to get to the top is to have enormous amounts of money. The only way to get that amount of money is to get in bed with special interests and major corporations. Both sides are guilty of this and it makes me want to opt out of the system completely. As an American citizen, though, I want to do my part by voting. Not a fun place to be when every major election feels like I am trying to choose between the lesser of two evils. What I decided to do is vote third party. I know they have a snowball's chance in hell of winning, but I can only hope that if enough of us jump off this merry-go-round of political insanity, it will get the attention of the people at the top and get them to change how they do business. I don't know what else to do, so if you or anyone else has any ideas, please let me know!

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  • Super Moderator
As a registered Republican I find the attempts at stereotyping us all as far-right, racists, anti-gay, homophobic, anti-female, uneducated, fundamentalist religious wackos, to be both insulting and hopelessly immature.


Republican politicians across the nation have done just fine stereotyping themselves. Yes, Democrats will try to capitalize on Republican faux pas and spin the facts a bit to their advantage. But that doesn't change the fact that ALL legislation introduced to teach Creationism in public schools, prevent or severely limit access to abortion, keep minimum wage low, block any attempts at wage parity, prevent gay marriage, and so on was introduced by a Republican legislator. This IS the Republican platform as put forth, on record, by elected Republicans. If you disagree with what you are dismissing as a mere stereotype, you might well reconsider your party affiliation because the guys who are actually doing these oppressive things represent YOU.


This is by no means an endorsement of Democrats.

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What Florduh said. 

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As a registered Republican I find the attempts at stereotyping us all as far-right, racists, anti-gay, homophobic, anti-female, uneducated, fundamentalist religious wackos, to be both insulting and hopelessly immature. Most of this rhetoric is nothing more than an attempt by Democrats to tip public sentiment in their favor - just as I suspect you started this thread for much the same reason. If this was NOT your intention then I apologize for my assertion.


That said - do I know some of the people I described above? Yes. Is that the norm for Republicans - I sincerely hope NOT! Do some in the party exploit those who fit the stereotype? Yes. Michelle Bachman is but one of them.


I notice you are from GB so let me educate you on American politics. The terms left and right apply to more than just the social aspect (god, guns, and gays). They also apply to the application of government. Left (Democrats) TEND to be in favor of more governmental control. Right (Republicans/libertarians) TEND to favor less government in their lives. Of course these tendencies change as they relate to the bedroom or the boardroom.


Hope this helps.

    - MOHO -

Republican politicians try to cash in on the very memes that you cite.  I used to be a Republican for economic reasons;  eventually switched because I couldn't stand the fundamentalism anymore.  The current crop of GOP candidates mostly want to be in our bedrooms big time, all the time.  Work to tear down the religious right part of the GOP, Mind!  At present, it is not the case that only a few whackos like Michelle Bachman promote this shit.  All of them do, or kowtow to it.  Barry Goldwater could NOT be nominated in today's Republican party. Eisenhower?  They'd crucify him as a liberal.

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Unless someone says they are a South Park Republican, it's safe to assume religion is a major part of their life. As a kid and during the first election I could vote in, it was drilled into my head to vote Republican on everything because they were Christians that were carrying out the will of God and Democrats were trying take God out of America (my mother's words). My parents didn't seem to mind too much about moderates as long as they were conservative leaning. My mom even admitted to not knowing or understanding half the issues she voted on just that Republican was basically code for Christian, according to her (and some of my other relatives). 


As for South Park republicans, I've heard a couple people decsribe themselves as that, I don't really know the details but these people were not religious. 

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Where I am in the Bible Belt, I have to say yes. The republican/ fungelical religious thing is rampant here. 

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The funny thing is, people outside the USA cannot believe the Republicans really are "Jesus obsessed." It must be an act of some sort. I guess that's because they have no equivalent to the Republican Party, or the South, where they live. 


It's not an act. The Super Christian Republicans are driving the party now, have been for 30 years, and they want to drive the country back to the 16th century. 

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The funny thing is, people outside the USA cannot believe the Republicans really are "Jesus obsessed." It must be an act of some sort. I guess that's because they have no equivalent to the Republican Party, or the South, where they live. 


It's not an act. The Super Christian Republicans are driving the party now, have been for 30 years, and they want to drive the country back to the 16th century.


I actually think they would be happy with the 1950's.

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The funny thing is, people outside the USA cannot believe the Republicans really are "Jesus obsessed." It must be an act of some sort. I guess that's because they have no equivalent to the Republican Party, or the South, where they live. 


It's not an act. The Super Christian Republicans are driving the party now, have been for 30 years, and they want to drive the country back to the 16th century.

I actually think they would be happy with the 1950's.


I think they may have seen enough Mad Men episodes to know it was never like they imagined it.

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Fine, just remember that less government also equals more corporate power, so if you are OK with paying 28% interest rates and exporting as many jobs as possible overseas so the top 1% can take another few trillion out of the US economy every year, by all means stay home and do nothing. 

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Republicans, or at least the Republican Party taken as a whole, are a bunch of heartless anti-American fucking assholes. They hate the poor, they hate the middle class, they hate women, they hate veterans, they hate gays, they hate the disabled, they hate people who are sick and think they should just all suffer and die (their health care plan can be summed up as "Don't get sick, but if you do, DIE QUICKLY!"), and the list goes on and on and on. Basically, they hate and consistently legislate against everyone who isn't either very rich or very religious, or both. As a Party, they are working hard at destroying America, and I wish those who are threatening to secede would do it and get the fuck out of our country and leave those of us who are sane and who happen to be decent human beings the hell alone! In fact, I wish the entire Republican Party would leave America, form their own fucking hellhole of a country, and leave the rest of us the fuck alone!

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I want to know why Blood's signature seems racist to me.

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