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I Need Some Help...


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Hi everyone :) I hope you're all doing okay.

I need some help making a decision. I have my schedule set for next year, two of the big things in there are advanced art and health. Health is a madantory course, I have to take it at some point and it's highly recommended that I take it in 10th grade. I had chorus this past year and I wasn't planning on doing it next year for 2 main reasons. The first one was that I'm not really confident in music as a career anymore. I feel like it would be a nice hobby or pastime, but not a stable job. The second is because a lot of teachers and students who are involved in the music programs tend to be really snooty and pretentious, and I would rather not deal with that again for another 180 days. I rarely get noticed or recognized around them.

I made all my teachers cards and in my chorus teacher's card, one of the things I told her that I'm not going to be in chorus next year but I'll try to come back in 11th grade. I had my chorus final on Tuesday, and before the test she said that she wasn't happy and she would talk to me when I was done. So I when I was done she gave me a piece of paper asking who my guidance counselor was and if I had any conflicts. It was awkward, we had to write back and forth to each other because we couldn't talk. I told her that I wanted to take chorus and art, but because of health, I had to choose one or the other and I chose art because I knew less about it. She said that I could do health later, and basically long story short, she said she was going to talk to my counselor to see if health could be pushed back another year. I knew health could be pushed back because my guidance counselor told me but she also had told me that it would most likely cause conflicts for the future. So today, after I took my science Regents, my chorus teacher finds me and enthusiastically tells me that I can take health later and I just had to see my counselor if I "really felt that way".

I'm a bit conflicted because I actually didn't want to take chorus and I didn't say that I wanted to. I just said that I wasn't able to do it next year and I would try to come back in 11th grade. And I don't want to take health later if it's going to be more inconvenient. But at the same time, I really appreciate my chorus teacher wanting me in chorus (though I do question her motives) and going through all that trouble. I don't want to hurt her feelings. My family thinks I should keep my schedule the way it is. I was thinking that I could take art, music, and health, and just get rid of my lunch or study hall for more space. But in all honesty, I don't really want to do that. If I do see my guidance counselor for a schedule change, it would most likely be on Monday because I have my last two finals then.


So that's about it. I'm not really sure what to do, I would really appreciate some input. Thanks do much, and have a good night ❤️

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Not sure how much help I can be, that really sounds like it needs to be parent-teacher-counselor conference. One thing is certain, you can't give up your lunch, so that leaves study hall being the course you'd lose. I don't know your needs as they vary from student to student so I can't really say whether or not keeping or dropping study hall would suit you, some use it to goof off, others need it to help them pass. 


It's a little early to worry too much over whether the music class will make or break a music career, this is supposed to be something you enjoy especially right now.  Do you enjoy the music class? These are elective courses right?  With the exception of health, which I'm sure is required.  You might wanna talk it out with your guidance counselor more.  If you really don't want to take music, let the chorus teacher know you just want to try out new things, I wouldn't worry much about her feelings. Just keep in mind, might be awkward if you rejoin later, but it's her job not to let those negative emotions impact her teaching.  I'm sure things will work out for the best and don't get too stressed out, relax, try to enjoy your time in school, it'll fly by. 

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Sounds like another case of an adult (who should know better) pressuring/bullying you... and an opportunity for you to be confidently assertive and do what you want to do for you and not for someone else.  Your scheduling reasons are sound - you are trying to not cause conflicts in the following year.  And it's not like your chorus teacher did much to make you feel welcome, anyway.


You are not here to please other people.  You are here to be true to yourself, as long as that doesn't harm others. (And this doesn't, believe me).

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Do what is best for you. Have you talked this over with your parents/guidance counselor? This seems to be a pattern with some extracurricular teachers. They always think that their class should come before anything else. If you feel it would not be best for your future schedule, you should see your guidance counselor and see what they think. Be honest the counselor. They are there to help you. 

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I just saw this on FB and thought about you :)



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The important question is: What do YOU want. Period. No explanation or justification needed.


You will hurt peoples feelings by standing for your decisions sooner or later in your life. It is inevitable. If you base your decisions on not hurting someones feeling you end up lost and feeling empty.


Imagine you could choose anything and everyone would be supportive with what you decide, no matter what. What would you do? Then take that decision and know, not everyone will be happy with it. But, life is not about others being happy with you, it is about you being happy.


And yes, skipping lunch is a veeery bad idea. Skipping recreation time will increase stress and limit your performance. You can develop an anxiety disorder if you don't take care of yourself. So please don't skip lunch.


All the best.

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So you think that I should keep my schedule the way it is?

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As much as you are able, take classes that further your ultimate goals in education and life. Certain seemingly irrelevant courses will always be mandatory so just grin and bear it. Besides, a course you didn't plan to take may spark a new interest in you. Even if it doesn't, it can't hurt to learn anything. When you do have options, choose for yourself keeping your goals in mind and disregard what others are pushing you to do.

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I'm a bit conflicted because I actually didn't want to take chorus and I didn't say that I wanted to. I just said that I wasn't able to do it next year and I would try to come back in 11th grade.


Dont take chorus just because the chorus teacher wants you to. Also, saying you're "not able to do it next year" sounds like you wanted to but something was preventing you from doing it. So the teacher stepped in to 'solve' your problem. :) Might be better not to give them leading information like that. Just let em find out next semester :) 


Back in the dark ages when I was in band, at the end of the year we had a try-out during class to see what seat each of us would have for the next school year. It was a short little solo with my instrument in front of the whole class. I was going to drop band class the next year anyway so when it came time for my solo I said in front of the class, "Oh I'm not taking band next year...." , hoping to avoid the embarrassment of getting up in front of everyone and playing....


 lol. You would have thought that I had stabbed my teacher in the heart...and I could feel the looks of some of the students .... the teacher and I had a little talk later to discuss 'my reason', like I had to have one or something.


It's ok to tell your teacher you're not interested in chorus. They'll get over it. I've suffered a little over the years because of 'people-pleasing.' Please yourself with these kind of life choices. A semester is a long time to do something you don't like.

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You will hurt peoples feelings by standing for your decisions sooner or later in your life. It is inevitable. If you base your decisions on not hurting someones feeling you end up lost and feeling empty.





And you'll end up buying more girl scout cookies and magazine subscriptions from door-to-door salespeople than you really wanted to. :)

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Where there are options, the question is what do you want to study.  The feelings of teachers are irrelevant.  Solid career advice from teachers is worth noting.  But the choice is ultimately yours.

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So you think that I should keep my schedule the way it is?

If that is what you want, yes. If not, you should change it to what you want and think is good for you. Only you know that.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

You only get one go at high school baby girl. Do what you want to do. I made a similar decision with band. I was a very talented clarinet/saxophone/bass clarinet player but it was not my passion. I dropped band in the 10th grade much to my band director's dismay. I NEVER regretted it. Get your pre-reqs out of the way and worry about electives your senior year. That's what I did. I got my pre reqs done my first three years and took summer school every year and by the time I was a senior, I had met my requirements for graduation by the second semester that year. I had the time of my life slacking off and chillin with my friends. Do what makes you happy and just live it up. High school can be heaven or hell. It's all about what you make of it. Persue heaven for yourself!

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