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Bible Verse On The French Fries.

No Heaven for Kevin

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Now, I live in the Bible belt, so it is not all that uncommon to run into fundamentalism. But, I saw something today, that totally amazed me.


I was eating lunch with some Christian co-workers, when one of them noticed something seemingly innocuous on the back of his pack of french fries. It said "God Bless America Gal 5:12". I asked them what Galatians 5:12 said and none of them knew, so I took it as an opportuinty to razz them about not reading the book that the creator of the universe wrote for them. I told them that if I had a book that the almighy creator wrote, I would be reading it all the time, carrying it with me everywhere I go, and know it inside and out.


By the time we got back to the office, the were getting upset with me, and I just kept yanking their chains. Things got quiet for a while, and I decided to go out to see who had looked up the verse and none of them had. Well, I was just laughing at them for not caring what their god had to say to them, and they were getting red in the face. Good Lord! I'm an atheist, and I'm the only one who cared about what the french fries were trying to tell us about god, so I went to the heathen Internet to look it up.


This is where it gets really strange, the verse says:


"I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"


WTF! :twitch:


Why in the name of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, would somebody put that on a pack of french fries!


Well, needless to say, we were all totally speachless. We all thought the verse was going to be some message of love or peace, and then these guys would get their turn having a go at me. Instead, we didn't know what the hell to make of it. They had a little fun with me, telling me I was an agitator and this was a sign from god.


I read the whole chapter of Galatians 5 to understand the context (something I'm sure the Christians here didn't do), and it's Paul trying to tell people that faith was more important than circumcision and law. He was saying that he wished the people who were trying to put circumcision and law into Christianity would slip with the knife and cut their balls off too.


This is just too goddamned weird to see anywhere, much less to find on a pack of french fries.

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That is bizarre; then again, it's all Babblical, so it shouldn't surprise you if it seems out of place. There isn't much of the Babble that isn't from left field somewhere.


I see little things like that all the time. When I used to work at a produce wholesaler, one particular company who grew potatoes had John 3:16 printed on the backs of the 50-lb bags. I've seen different companies print that verse on their items or on their delivery trucks for all to see. Just yesterday, I saw the back of a contractor's sweatshirt which had the "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, blah blah blah" verse from Philippians on it.


I just find it very odd that a printing company would actually want to print off Babble verses on the backs of bags or sweatshirts or whatever else their born-agian customers order. In the end, they are getting paid to do so and hence don't care, but I know if I ran a printer's, I'd feel a tad uncomfy with being instructed to print Scripchahs on things, as if the customer would start preaching the next time I saw him.

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"I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"


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I can't believe somebody didn't catch this!!! :HaHa:


Here's your connection right here!

Don't forget now, you're in the bible belt!

This is where it gets really strange, the verse says:


"I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"


WTF! :twitch:


Why in the name of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, would somebody put that on a pack of french fries!



French - fries


Agi - tators

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I can't believe somebody didn't catch this!!! :HaHa:


Here's your connection right here!

Don't forget now, you're in the bible belt!

This is where it gets really strange, the verse says:


"I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"


WTF! :twitch:


Why in the name of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, would somebody put that on a pack of french fries!



French - fries


Agi - tators



Well and french fries could kind of look like little castrated....



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"I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"




Why in the name of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, would somebody put that on a pack of french fries!





French - fries


Agi - tators



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I can't believe somebody didn't catch this!!! :HaHa:


Here's your connection right here!

Don't forget now, you're in the bible belt!

This is where it gets really strange, the verse says:


"I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"


WTF! :twitch:


Why in the name of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, would somebody put that on a pack of french fries!



French - fries


Agi - tators


:Doh: Of course! Thanks Fwee! I'm so glad you cleared that up for me.


:phew: I was thinking it was some sort of violent wish against somebody. I can be so pessimistic sometimes!


I can't believe somebody didn't catch this!!! :HaHa:


Here's your connection right here!

Don't forget now, you're in the bible belt!

This is where it gets really strange, the verse says:


"I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"


WTF! :twitch:


Why in the name of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, would somebody put that on a pack of french fries!



French - fries


Agi - tators



Well and french fries could kind of look like little castrated....






OK, it's going to be hard not to think of that next time I eat french fries. :grin:

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Was this a local or national chain of French fry restaurants?


It probably has something to do with "French" fries, as in, "OMGosh, the French won't go to war with us, that means they're against our government, and if anyone is against our God-fearing government, they're minions of Satan!"

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Was this a local or national chain of French fry restaurants?


It probably has something to do with "French" fries, as in, "OMGosh, the French won't go to war with us, that means they're against our government, and if anyone is against our God-fearing government, they're minions of Satan!"


This is very small local restaurant, a "hole-in-the-wall". My leadng theory is that it's some sort of stab at the terrorists, since it follows the "God Bless America". My next leading theory is that it's a misprint.

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I could not find a translation that came even close to that you posted. The translation according to about 20 different sources is "O that even they would cut themselves off who are unsettling you!"


In context, it does not seem to have anything to do with castration, or even circumcision. Where did you find that translation?

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I could not find a translation that came even close to that you posted. The translation according to about 20 different sources is "O that even they would cut themselves off who are unsettling you!"


In context, it does not seem to have anything to do with castration, or even circumcision. Where did you find that translation?


I noticed several translations that leave it out, but it's not hard to find one that leaves it in. As a matter of fact, if you search for Galatians 5:12 on Google, the first ones that pop up have it in the translation. Now the links below are the result of five minutes worth of Internet searching. It's very hard to believe you have searched "20 sources".


Plus, it's obvious you didn't read the chapter. I don't know how you can say it's not about circumcision, the whole chapter is about how faith is more important than circumcision. And that part is evident in all the translations that I have read.


New American Bible


" Would that those who are upsetting you might also castrate themselves!"


New International Version


"12As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!"


This site conpares the different translations.




In this article is says:

"Galatians 5:12 is one of the earthiest and angriest verses in the New Testament. Martin Luther has rendered it in these words:


Tell those who are disturbing you I would like to see the knife slip.


The New English Bible translates it in this way:


As for these agitators, they had better go the whole way and make eunuchs of themselves.


Paul is saying if they want to cut (in circumcision), let them cut to mutilate themselves. That is a hard statement, one that cannot be read casually. What makes it even more difficult is to realize that the vehemence with which Paul wrote is not widely evident today. Most people do not think phony Christianity is that serious. Most of us are far too comfortable with it. We would not say something like this, especially in public. But it ought to arrest us to see how genuinely, righteously angry Paul was about those who would sell phony Christianity to other people."

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But it ought to arrest us to see how genuinely, righteously angry Paul was about those who would sell phony Christianity to other people."


I feel Paul's pain, I really do. I get mad also when people try to sell Xianity to others, seeing as how it's all phony from the start :grin:

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  • 4 months later...

It probably has something to do with "French" fries, as in, "OMGosh, the French won't go to war with us, that means they're against our government, and if anyone is against our God-fearing government, they're minions of Satan!"


I was just about to post the same idea... :scratch:

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