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Religion And School


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So my parents read this Christian bs newspaper. I skimmed over it today as I walked by it and the article that caught my eye was "Parents need to push for religion lessons to start again in schools." 

And then the article goes on to complain about the lack of religious education. (aka only Christian education, because apparently Christianity is the most important religion out of the ~4200 religions in the world!!) glare.gif


I find it a bit selfish when people say "we need religious education - but only our religion of course, because ours is the right one." 


Now living with Christian parents, they obviously made me go into a Christian school. (The perfect place for Christian education - GASP!).


And this made me wonder why on earth Christian parents are so pushy about their religion being forced onto other schools. There are plenty of schools, even some public, that offer religious education, but apparently they want more and more!


My xian mother is always telling me "don't forget God during school, education is important, but so is God." Don't worry, mother, I can't forget about God since I go to a Christian school. And I'm surrounded by Christian people. It's hard not to forget.


In my opinion, school and religion need to be kept separate. 


Christians, do whatever helps you sleep at night, but please, leave other people be and stop cramming your religion down our throats. Thanks.



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There are certainly topics, areas of study and disciplines that have little or nothing to do with Christian dogma, like math, science, reading, writing, sports, music, art, economics, engineering, etc.


It's best to keep religion out of those topics.  Indeed, it would be hard to infect them with religion in any scholastic or pedagogical way, although I'm sure some try to do just that.

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The evangelical wants schools to pressurize kids to believe his religion.  No mystery about it.  And it is as objectionable as any other form of evangelism.


The socially conservative wants schools to pressurize kids to conform to his way of life.  No mystery about it.  And it is as objectionable as any other form of prejudice.

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I read somewhere that a Christian parent wanted to have time set aside for bible study for those who wanted it. The PTO replied that they would have to find time for Koran study, Buddhist study, Hindu study, etc. They never heard from that parent again!

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If they were teaching religion (all religion) in school as history or culture it would be one thing. But what they want is to push what the Bible as factual evidence which limit critical thinking and thinking for yourself. Because it's basically telling you to ignore proof or evidence on believing it's true on faith.


So when kids are being taught science, weigh evidence and to test your findings, the Bible comes along and un-does the lesson. It can be how a specific animal has evolved in a certain way with proof from fossil record...and then the crocoduck comes along and destroys all of that.


We are a lot smarter and more evolved that the guys that wrote the bible, The sad part is science has changed when new discoveries are made but the Bible has stayed pretty much static over it's lifetime. If it's truly the word from a higher power you would think he would have revised this already over several lifetimes. 

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So my parents read this Christian bs newspaper. I skimmed over it today as I walked by it and the article that caught my eye was "Parents need to push for religion lessons to start again in schools."


And then the article goes on to complain about the lack of religious education. (aka only Christian education, because apparently Christianity is the most important religion out of the ~4200 religions in the world!!) glare.gif


I find it a bit selfish when people say "we need religious education - but only our religion of course, because ours is the right one."


Now living with Christian parents, they obviously made me go into a Christian school. (The perfect place for Christian education - GASP!).


And this made me wonder why on earth Christian parents are so pushy about their religion being forced onto other schools. There are plenty of schools, even some public, that offer religious education, but apparently they want more and more!


My xian mother is always telling me "don't forget God during school, education is important, but so is God." Don't worry, mother, I can't forget about God since I go to a Christian school. And I'm surrounded by Christian people. It's hard not to forget.


In my opinion, school and religion need to be kept separate.


Christians, do whatever helps you sleep at night, but please, leave other people be and stop cramming your religion down our throats. Thanks.

There was this period in my life after I left Christianity I hoped christians would all go to hell.
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I think that teaching religion in schools is really an excellent idea, provided that all religions are represented, none are favored, and the curriculum approaches religion from a humanist viewpoint.


But that's never going to happen so better to have nothing. 

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@sdelsolray: I think "religious lessons" means separate religious classes, but they could probably make it fit into totally unrelated topics too. My dad manages to bring up Jesus at odd times.

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So my parents read this Christian bs newspaper. I skimmed over it today as I walked by it and the article that caught my eye was "Parents need to push for religion lessons to start again in schools." 


And then the article goes on to complain about the lack of religious education. (aka only Christian education, because apparently Christianity is the most important religion out of the ~4200 religions in the world!!) glare.gif


I find it a bit selfish when people say "we need religious education - but only our religion of course, because ours is the right one." 


Now living with Christian parents, they obviously made me go into a Christian school. (The perfect place for Christian education - GASP!).


And this made me wonder why on earth Christian parents are so pushy about their religion being forced onto other schools. There are plenty of schools, even some public, that offer religious education, but apparently they want more and more!


My xian mother is always telling me "don't forget God during school, education is important, but so is God." Don't worry, mother, I can't forget about God since I go to a Christian school. And I'm surrounded by Christian people. It's hard not to forget.


In my opinion, school and religion need to be kept separate. 


Christians, do whatever helps you sleep at night, but please, leave other people be and stop cramming your religion down our throats. Thanks.


I thought it was a relationship, not a religion. How could you teach a relationship? :)

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