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Goodbye Jesus

Finally Dipped My Toe In


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This seems ridiculously minor, but I just pinned a bunch of atheist stuff on Pinterest. I have a few Christian friends following me so we'll see what happens. I'm guessing not much since it's not as public as Facebook, but it's a "safe" start.

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Well done!  What usually happens is: one person will see it, then within a few hours everyone will know.

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It's a great start. That is something I also do.


If being public becomes an issue though, you can also make private boards where you can pin things that people can't see. :)

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I panicked after I did it, and hoped I didn't start something really ugly or potentially detrimental to my husband. I just can't stand the secrecy! The other day we ran into someone from a church we attended a few years ago and she inevitably asked what church we were attending now. Before I could say anything, my husband blurted out our current church. We haven't set foot in it since last fall but it's clearly still a tender area. Funny enough, I was going to tell her the same thing! No use going into all that mess with someone I rarely see anymore!

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