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Goodbye Jesus

The Day The Sun Stood Still


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Or the earth stopped rotating for a day. No other culture recorded that alleged significant event considering how carefully the egyptians tracked the sun. Must be an allegory then.

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It can also be ruled out because there is no plausible mechanism for it.


This is linked to one of my favourite ways to show the bible is nonsense: the fact that it describes a universe based on what the writers could observe from looking at the region around them, with no understanding of how the solar system works.

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Or the earth stopped rotating for a day. No other culture recorded that alleged significant event considering how carefully the egyptians tracked the sun. Must be an allegory then.

Or pure fiction.

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Even if there was a plausible mechanism for it... unless that mechanism would simultaneously influence the rotational speed of every single bit of matter on and in Earth, there'd be one hell of a "conservation of energy" party when it happened. Imagine you stop the Earth... but not the oceans and atmosphere. Ladies and gentlemen, behold now the mother of all tsunamis, along with a storm that couldn't be stronger if gawd himself farted right on our world!

Even if you got it all covered but not all simultaenously... friction between pockets of matter going different speeds would create a nice amount of heat. And when I say nice I mean disastrous.


Ooooh of course "gawd works in mysterious...". Well fine, then it's myth and not science. Which the babblical cretinists and such for some reason never accept. :fdevil:

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On the winter solstice it appears that the sun rises at the same point for a day or two.. hence it 'stands still'. Ancient solar religious stuff.

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On the winter solstice it appears that the sun rises at the same point for a day or two.. hence it 'stands still'. Ancient solar religious stuff.

that must be the same day as Joshua's battle! Awesome, I knew there would be a reason to believe ;)
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  • 4 weeks later...

When I was growing up in Fundyland, I recall some preacher or Sunday School teacher claiming that scientists or maybe mathematicians had calculated that there was some 'missing time' in the calculation of the earth's orbit and this was touted as 'astounding proof' of the truth of this pile of crap story. Like all other such stuff it turned out to have been a falsehood. 

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Oh yeah I heard that one. It was very convincing lie

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