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Goodbye Jesus

Clearing The Thicket Of Belief -- Christianity As Hiv


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Christianity creates unwarranted doubt about the human community's practices and perceptions.  The thing a Christian should be ultimately confident of is their belief that God is good.  How is this like HIV?  Let me explain...  HIV is unique as a virus because it attacks the host's immune system -- replicating inside a human's CD4 T-Cell.  Unlike other viruses which replicate inside various other types of cellular tissue (e.g. HPV which replicates in epithelial cells), HIV goes for the throat, so to speak, disabling the defense mechanism as it infects the human.  Other viruses are nicely managed by the human immune system, but when the immune system itself becomes the target, the eventual untreated result is clutter of disease.


The first thing that Christianity says is that God is good.  Romans Chapter One explains that the result is that we should not trust our ideas of "better" and "worse."  There is a Goodness out there that we could learn from.  The Bible spends a lot of time telling readers that what seems to the reader to be true is not true.  Proverbs 12:15:  "The way of fools seems right to them."  Proverbs 14:12, 16:25:  "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."  Therefore, beliefs cannot be fixed using the method of science, which relies on what seems to be true to a human.  Instead, beliefs must be fixed using the method of authority, priority, and tenacity -- "God said it, I believe it, and that's that!"  This allows the Bible, and Christian teachers to smuggle into a person's life and a person's mind a lot of behaviors and beliefs that are abnormal, irregular, disruptive, destructive and illogical.  


Christianity is to memes what HIV is to protein viruses.  Unlike other memes, Christianity attacks the "cognitive immune system."  Your cognitive immune system is what tells you that you should dismiss a belief because it seems wrong to you.  It tells you that what seems the case is the case. This is the basis that you have for disbelieving in Santa Claus, the Flat Earth, Giraffes, and Xenu.  But Christianity, unlike other memes, tells a human that "what upon reflection seems to be right" -- what you judge to be the the most reasonable position on an issue -- is not a reliable method to employ for the fixation of belief.   What do you think about this analysis of the difference between Christianity and other memes?  



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Goodbye Jesus

Well said friend!

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Excellent comparison Llwellyn. Very well thought out and explained.

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Thanks for the comments, guys!  If a human has thought to disbelieve any doctrine flowing out of the Divine Goodness, it has a single paralyzing observation:  "The LORD knows the thoughts of man; he knows that they are futile."  Psalm 94:11.  This means that unlike other memes (e.g. chain letters), there is no way to reason yourself out Christianity.  There is no manner to use reason to disbelieve in angels, demons, "generational curses," circumcision, the rapture, hellfire, streets-of-gold, life-after-death, or any other illogical and random belief that plays a part within the religion.   The cognitive immune system has been turned off for good.  The Christian's mind begins to collect toxins as a "pool that never purifies."  Can you think of a toxic belief that made you ill?  I can think of many in my own life.



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