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Goodbye Jesus

Ehrman V. Price Mythicist Debate Opportunity


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This morning I came across a snippet from Dr. Bart Ehrman's blog indicating that he is open to the possibility of a debate with Dr. Robert Price on whether or not Jesus existed. This looks to be a fascinating discussion and I hope that it comes to happen. Having been part of this forum for a while, I know that many of you are also likely to be interested in this debate.


The debate will happen if enough money is raised to cover all the expenses. Here is the link to the Kickstarter page if you are interested in the debate and if you are interested in donating to make it happen.


This post was meant to be more of a informational announcement as opposed to a topic for discussion. Feel free to comment if you would like.

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I look forward to the debate (I'm sure enough money will be raised, given the level of interest in the topic).

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I credit both of them, and many others, with my deconversion and think this would be a very interesting debate.

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The fundy group I was part of was big on debates. Their purpose was to prove from scripture that denominational believers are not "real" Christians. It was my experience that few, if any, minds were changed.


I've read both Price & Ehrman's reasons for their respective conclusions. Based on that I think Price has the better argument, but I agree that if they do have a debate it would be interesting, informative, and worth the investment of the time & money.

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Ehrman's argument is that nobody would make up the crucifixion. 

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I  have not read much of either person, but I have listened to lectures and interviews of both. I like both of them and I think this has to be a debate I am incredibly interested in, not so much because I will change my viewpoint, but simply because it will provide good information on what both sides have to offer. This isn't going to be a cutthroat debate, but I imagine it'll be more of a dialogue. I hope it happens.

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