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Goodbye Jesus

Christians Under Attack!


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Just venting here. So sick of fucking Christians whining about how they're "under attack." Regular people in secular society are declining, with more frequency, to live by that group's particular religious rules. Christians are totally free to practice their religion, they're just not free to make me do the same. Fuck them. That is all.

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Goodbye Jesus

Just venting here. So sick of fucking Christians whining about how they're "under attack." Regular people in secular society are declining, with more frequency, to live by that group's particular religious rules. Christians are totally free to practice their religion, they're just not free to make me do the same. Fuck them. That is all.

Maybe they should try praying for the society they want....


Prayer is super effective : )



How to be a modern Christian:


Whine about not getting your own way

Go to church

Be 99 percent ignorant of what the Bible says

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As much as I love my fundie parents....I agree with you Florduh.

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Yeah, I heard this several times over the last few days while at work, which is populated by many hypocritical "Christians". One woman in particular: "Lord have mercy on us all, pretty soon it'll be illegal to be a Christian." I laughed and asked her what she would do if it was outlawed. Her: "I AIN'T DROPPING MY FAITH IN DA LAWD FOR NOTHIN'."

I continue laughing as I walk away.

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I absolutely love how they try to make something that benefits and brings happiness to others (I assume Travi's co-worker is pissed about SCOTUS's ruling on marriage) into something that is about them. It's incredibly selfish.


And now even though I posted this earlier today, I must continue to share the laughter:


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"I didn't come here to be insulted!"


"Well, why don't you go where you usually go to be insulted?"



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An unhealthy, self-obsessed persecution complex is deeply embedded in their religion. Anything at all, no matter how major or how trivial, that does not privilege their delusion is considered an "attack." 

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Goes back to the doubt ones mind cannot help but experience. You are shaking their resolve somewhat and it feels like an attack somehow?

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Just venting here. So sick of fucking Christians whining about how they're "under attack." Regular people in secular society are declining, with more frequency, to live by that group's particular religious rules. Christians are totally free to practice their religion, they're just not free to make me do the same. Fuck them. That is all.


Florduh, I held your OP up in front of a mirror. Odd mirror, as the only difference I could see was the word Christians was crossed out, and the words Every Body penciled in.  

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As you well know the "we are being attacked and must defend ourselves" propaganda is one of the most effective tools for keeping the sheeple in the fold.


- Hitler, Berlin 1938

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  • Super Moderator


Just venting here. So sick of fucking Christians whining about how they're "under attack." Regular people in secular society are declining, with more frequency, to live by that group's particular religious rules. Christians are totally free to practice their religion, they're just not free to make me do the same. Fuck them. That is all.


Florduh, I held your OP up in front of a mirror. Odd mirror, as the only difference I could see was the word Christians was crossed out, and the words Every Body penciled in.  


True, we have been a society of whiny victims for some decades now. I'd say much has been recently borrowed from the much older Christian Victimization Playbook.

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Just venting here. So sick of fucking Christians whining about how they're "under attack." Regular people in secular society are declining, with more frequency, to live by that group's particular religious rules. Christians are totally free to practice their religion, they're just not free to make me do the same. Fuck them. That is all.

They are under attack, by the monster Jehovah.
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Ha ahahahahahahahaha LOL!!!





How........... how can these people be so ignorant of other countries that legalized same-sex marriage and didn't fall off the face of the earth? It's just freakin scary that there's knuckle-draggers like that at all levels of government.

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