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Goodbye Jesus

My Prayers Still Work Even Though I Deconverted...


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So when I was a Christian, I used to do this thing all the time, when I had lost an item. First I'd look for the item, like anyone would, and I would get more frantic as I searched, of course. Finally I would calm myself, and I'd pray. I'd be like, "Lord, I know that you in your infinite wisdom know where my item is... please show me... in Jesus' name." I would be still and quiet and wait for an image to come, and many times, it would. I would go to the location in my house that the image had showed me, and there the item would be.


Today, my husband and son were ready to leave for a camping trip, but they couldn't find my son's life vest ANYWHERE. We'd looked all over the house, in the garage, and in the shed. Nowhere. Finally, I decided to "do my thing". I got quiet and still and sent out, I don't know, an energy request to the universe, or some shit. A clear impression came to me that I was to go the shed, even though we'd already looked there. I walked to the shed, feeling almost like a sleepwalker. I looked on the left side, saw a vest peeking out, (not my son's) lifted the vest, lifted something else, and opened a bin... there was my son's vest.


I don't know what the deal is with this thing, but obviously, it isn't something I was only able to do because I was a True Christian ™.

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I think when we calm our mind, stored memories float to the surface more easily, and/or our reasoning process works more efficiently.

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I found it right where I left it.  It's a miracle!


I think it is like NZ said.  Emotions block our memories.

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Tony Tony look around. Something's lost and can't be found.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Uhm, yeah I used to do this too. But like FTNZ and MM said its all about calming yourself and allowing your memories to be retrieved by your frontal cortex. Non religious people from all over the world can still do this, and so can I. O don't pray anymore, either. I lie down, focus on the object im looking for and just relax. When I'm just about to fall asleep, I see the image of where I left it last. Bizarre, yes. Supernatural, hardly.

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It's the Jebus, dontcha know? Lord of Lost Property.

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I think relaxing as you look for it and being calm helps you focus on where to find whatever you are looking for. When you are stressed, it is very easy to skip over unconsciously the memory of where you left it.

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You are, in a fairly simplistic way, manipulating your own consciousness and accessing what is in your own mind.  Whether you do that in the name of Christ, the devil, Yog-Sothoth or Mickey Mouse makes it no less effective.

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I think you're clairvoyant. ;)

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And what about all those other times when you knew just where something was, but it turned out it wasn't there. We forget those times and those unanswered prayers and just remember the successes.

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