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Christians What Does Love Mean To You?


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Christians what does love mean to you? and does the God of the bible fit in with your view of love.

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God is love.


Jesus going to a cross to die for the sins of the world was an act of love.


I'm a happy camper.

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IH. Why are you into a God that believes in self mutilation? Do you really call an act like that love? I call it disgusting.

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I just try to view God as revealed in all of scripture.

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I just try to view God as revealed in all of scripture.



You mean the works that your parents and pastor told you were scripture and not the ones that your parents


and pastor told you were not scripture.  Letting other people think for you is easy work.  If you had been born


in the Middle East then you would be Muslim and you would follow a different scripture because your parent


and religious leaders would tell you different works were scripture.  If you had been born in India you would 


be Hindu for the same reason.  If you had been born in China you would be Buddhist.  If you were born in 


South America you would be Catholic and think Protestants were part of a false cult.  This is the fruit of letting


others do the thinking for you.

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I just try to view God as revealed in all of scripture.


But what if scripture is wrong, Ironhorse? What if it can be shown that verses were added, or if it can be shown that some books were left out?

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All the difficulties some see as a hindrance to believing.


They do not bother me. I've worked my way through them.


For those who keep insisting I was brainwashed by my parents, you have not read or believed my previous comments.


I understand that all of us have had different experiences in life and with parents, teachers or churches.

Its been really negative for many.


I'm just sharing my story here.

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For those who keep insisting I was brainwashed by my parents, you have not read or believed my previous comments.



I don't recall.  Please share that again.






I understand that all of us have had different experiences in life and with parents, teachers or churches.

Its been really negative for many.


Far more of us had a negative experience with the Bible.  Far more.  That is why we are ex-Christians.

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All the difficulties some see as a hindrance to believing.


They do not bother me. I've worked my way through them.


For those who keep insisting I was brainwashed by my parents, you have not read or believed my previous comments.


I understand that all of us have had different experiences in life and with parents, teachers or churches.

Its been really negative for many.


I'm just sharing my story here.


Share it then, IH. We don't want to hear about Bono (you've gathered that, no doubt), or cutsie bumper sticker theology. 


Share with us how you worked your way through the difficulties to believing. 

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Reminds of a Dylan song...Trust Yourself.



"Don't trust me to show you the truth...


Trust yourself to know the way that will be true in the end.


...If you want somebody you can trust, trust yourself."

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Reminds of a Dylan song...Trust Yourself.



"Don't trust me to show you the truth...


Trust yourself to know the way that will be true in the end.


...If you want somebody you can trust, trust yourself."



And with that post, Ironhorse reveals himself to be a poe. God I hope he is a poe. I'd hate to think that there is a person out there that needs help, and I can't hold on to him until help arrives. I tried to talk to him on another thread.


Would I seem too cruel here if I said that Ironhorse appears to be a "special needs" Christian?


Nah to all of the above. I think Ironhorse is looking for someone to talk to, and I think he might just have a sense of humor.

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Oh come on IH.  This is why you get so much flack around here.  Two people asked you to follow up on


the claim you made and instead of being sincere you give us song lyrics.

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  I was being very sincere.


I can't tell you what to believe.


It's up to you. The song expresses that thought well.

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  I was being very sincere.





If you were being sincere then please share with details what you meant by:


"For those who keep insisting I was brainwashed by my parents, you have not read or believed my previous comments."


Tell us about how and why your beliefs have nothing to do with your parent's religious indoctrination.





If you were being sincere then please share with detalis what you meant by:


"All the difficulties some see as a hindrance to believing.  They do not bother me. I've worked my way through them."


Tell us about what you did to work through the hinderances you faced.




These things would actually be meaningful conversation.

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  I was being very sincere.


I can't tell you what to believe.


It's up to you. The song expresses that thought well.


You seem to worship songs more than you worship what God said in the Bible. We are looking for chapter and verse, and you are giving us what man thinks.

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You don't have a Bible you can read?


Go to Bible Gateway. You can read online.

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You don't have a Bible you can read?




A bot can troll better than that.  If you are not going to answer our questions then don't pretend you are



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You are missing the point.


I can't answer every question. I have tried to answer many here.

I always get accused of not answering or not providing evidence.


My best advice:


Trust yourself.

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Ok. I trust myself when I both feel in my heart and also intellectually find that Biblegod isn't real.

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You are missing the point.


I can't answer every question. I have tried to answer many here.

I always get accused of not answering or not providing evidence.


My best advice:


Trust yourself.


I take that to mean you can't answer the questions I just asked.


I trust that means you lied.


You have not worked it through.  That is why you avoid the tough questions people ask you.


You became a Christian because at some point you were indoctrinated and it brainwashed you.

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You are missing the point.


I can't answer every question. I have tried to answer many here.

I always get accused of not answering or not providing evidence.


My best advice:


Trust yourself.


You are right, Ironhorse. Trust yourself. It's hard for me to respond to a lot of people here that disagree with what I think, so I know what you going through. Let's talk. I might not agree with you, but I will listen to what you say.


May I start?  Why are you here mostly on Sundays? I can't be the only one that noticed this. Do you get all charged up at church and then feel like you have to respond? 

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You are missing the point.


I can't answer every question. I have tried to answer many here.

I always get accused of not answering or not providing evidence.


My best advice:


Trust yourself.



You are right, Ironhorse. Trust yourself. It's hard for me to respond to a lot of people here that disagree with what I think, so I know what you going through. Let's talk. I might not agree with you, but I will listen to what you say.


May I start?  Why are you here mostly on Sundays? I can't be the only one that noticed this. Do you get all charged up at church and then feel like you have to respond?

I noticed that also Dude.



I still do not understand that once someone brings common sense about an event like the cruciFICTION to you, you still just look the other way.


God commits suicide on the cross so that he wont be pissed at us anymore. There is no other way this could have been handled? To me that whole story REEKS of a cheesy romance novel where the hero sacrifices himself for his love.


That was the way an all powerful God handled it, lol. Makes me wonder about all the other scriptures, that never made the cut into the bible, said.

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That was the way an all powerful God handled it, lol. Makes me wonder about all the other scriptures, that never made the cut into the bible, said.




In the Gospel of Peter the wooden cross started talking.  Because God can do anything.







"I got something to say.  Nails hurt.  Stop driving nails into me.  I've never done anything to deserve that!"

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Guest Furball

Back on topic. According to the bible, love is based on a christian's obedience to god's commands. If they aren't keeping god's commands, they don't love god. In other words, if christian's love god, they'll be his slave. Love for god isn't an emotion or a feeling that the christians say they have on here, that is not biblical. Love for god means submitting your entire life 100% with no faltering to slavery to his commandments without question. 


Reminds me of an abusive husband towards his wife. 'If you love me, make me dinner, if you love me, get on your knees and....' you get the point. Love in the biblical world has to be earned, there is no such thing as grace or free love in god's or jesus' eyes. You must earn god's/jesus' love through slavery. 


The scriptural proof of what i am saying is found in isaiah 1: 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: - see....conditional. -Cat

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