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Goodbye Jesus

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If you never picked up a Bible and you never had any contact with a Christian, you would be completely clueless about that faith.


If you were raised in the deep jungle away from modern society, you would not now about Adam and Eve and talking bushes and it raining bread, nor would you know of magical fruit or telepathy to talk to god....


I submit these things have to be taught artificially ......because they are probably artificial  

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If you never picked up a Bible and you never had any contact with a Christian, you would be completely clueless about that faith.


If you were raised in the deep jungle away from modern society, you would not now about Adam and Eve and talking bushes and it raining bread, nor would you know of magical fruit or telepathy to talk to god....


I submit this things have to be taught artificially ......because they are artificial

lol, don't forget the dancing donkeys.
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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Talking snakes, talking donkies, unicorns, a single dude killing a thousand people with a jawbone of a donkey, fire coming down from the sky, walking on water, "virgin childbirth".....it's all a load of horseshit.

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If you never picked up a Bible and you never had any contact with a Christian, you would be completely clueless about that faith.


If you were raised in the deep jungle away from modern society, you would not now about Adam and Eve and talking bushes and it raining bread, nor would you know of magical fruit or telepathy to talk to god....


I submit these things have to be taught artificially ......because they are probably artificial  


Oh, no! That can't possibly be true because the christians are always telling us that there is no reason for not believing since the "evidence for God is written in our hearts" (or something like that) ... unless they're lying wrong.

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Guest Furball

"If the bible says it, i believe it."     So the nuts say.


If there was a story in the bible of a guy who took a shit then everyone he touched with it turned into a minotaur, christians would believe it according their fucked up insane illogical logic. 


Take the most stupid ass, ridiculous, absurd story you can think up. If it was in the pages of a book with the words holy bible printed on the cover, these fiction pushers would believe it. 


Evangelist Ray Comfort in one of his way of the master shows said the following: "You know the whole world is insane. God is offering them everlasting life and they are refusing it." 


Yeah, we're the insane ones guy....you believe in a book that starts with a talking snake and ends with a four headed monster and we're the ones who are crazy. Delusional fuck head. 

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Evangelist Ray Comfort in one of his way of the master shows said the following: "You know the whole world is insane. God is offering them everlasting life and they are refusing it." 



Note he does not say:


You know the whole world is insane. God is telling them to give away all their wealth and abandon their families and all Christians are refusing it.

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Guest Furball

Talking snakes, talking donkies, unicorns, a single dude killing a thousand people with a jawbone of a donkey, fire coming down from the sky, walking on water, "virgin childbirth".....it's all a load of horseshit.


Let's not forget about exodus where sticks are thrown on the ground and then turn into snakes, then when taken up by the tail they turn back into sticks again. 


Totally Believable!!!!

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