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Goodbye Jesus

Flags, Crosses, Pentagrams


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This isn't a well constructed piece. I'm just thinking out loud here. Maybe useful discussion will ensue. Maybe not.


That flag. As with all such sigils of society it represents different things to different people. Even though the American flag itself once flew over a land of legal slaveholders, the Confederate flag cannot be dismissed or forgiven as easily. The American flag means so much more than the slavery that occurred under it, but apparently the Confederate flag can only mean one thing in the Politically Correct America of today. A protected group has been deemed to be offended by it, so while we don't need to actually address poverty, crime, racism and minimum wage we certainly need to eradicate the image of that flag. It shows how compassionate we white Libs really are. 


But let's say that I'm offended by a symbol. An ancestor of mine was killed during the witch hunts, and her murderers proudly displayed their Christian crosses as they did their deed. That damn cross offends me. To me, it stands for murder of my family. To the Christian majority the cross stands for their devotion to their Savior, of maybe a gold cross pendant was handed down from great grandma and it's become a connection with her history. No matter! I see it differently and I am offended. Why does nobody care about that? Christians with crosses murdered my family!


The Pentagram; representing spirit, nature and all that shit to the peaceful Pagan, but a Christian is offended by it because he's been taught that it represents Satan. Yes, Satanists have used the pentagram too, but that's not what it's really about. It doesn't matter; all that matters to you is your perception.


What's your perception?



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Goodbye Jesus

I really don't care about any Southerners who sit around harming nobody who see their Navy Jack as a


symbol of Southern pride.  They can have their General Lee Dodge Charger and their flag.  I'm only


bothered by the terrorist organization who kills people and claim that I am their worst enemy.  That


terrorist organization has used several symbols including a cross, white hoods and Confederate flags.  


They also use Christianity.  That doesn't make the patriotic Southerners or Christians responsible for


the terrorist organization.  Though I do wish everyone would do more to eradicate the terrorists.

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I think its interesting that you mentioned witch hunts. In this media saturated culture, the "witch hunters" (aka the moral police or PC Mongers) have a easily reachable audience with which to spew their particular brand of hate and "injustice".  We have reverted back to the society where when people decided they didn't like a particular person because they were different, they just started labeling them as a witch or warlock and started spreading the misinformation which ultimately ended in the eventual demise of the person being spoken ill of. People who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


People spend too much time paying attention to things that they really have little concern over. I would even venture to say that the media encourages people to care about things that most people would normally not have an opinion of. I suspect that those of us in the north have very little interest in the doings of the south and vice versa. The only reason we are talking about the confederate flag is that a bunch of people decided that they didn't like what they believe it represents and the media grabbed it and used it as the "it" topic until a better or different one comes along. I rarely think of the confederate flag in my daily life, but now that its all over the media, its been something I have thought about a few times in the past weeks. I decided that I just don't care about what people think its means. I had one hanging in my room when I was a kid. I like it. I think its a cool flag and in all my life I have never equated it with racial prejudice. That is what I think and I respect your decision to agree or disagree with my opinion. I am a smart person and I am capable of figuring out what I like and don't like and I am smart enough to realize that I don't need to be pushy with what I like or don't, and that I hope each other person can do the same. Ultimately, I will continue to live my life and decide what I think works best for it.

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  • Super Moderator
It is OK for some to criticize southern culture ...


Southern culture is not even recognized as a real thing these days. Anything Southern simply equates to "racism" in our, excuse the expression, black and white world. But as Americans we are known for jumping to conclusions and going overboard when reacting to a perceived problem (consider the Red Scare and McCarthyism, the Great Islamic Scare that spawned Homeland Security, and of course the War on Drugs that gets some people years of incarceration for having two joints).

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It is OK for some to criticize southern culture ...


Southern culture is not even recognized as a real thing these days. Anything Southern simply equates to "racism" in our, excuse the expression, black and white world. But as Americans we are known for jumping to conclusions and going overboard when reacting to a perceived problem (consider the Red Scare and McCarthyism, the Great Islamic Scare that spawned Homeland Security, and of course the War on Drugs that gets some people years of incarceration for having two joints).



I suppose it is possible that some people really do see the confederate flag as a symbol of their culture minus racism -- and those people are welcome to festoon their private property and their bodies with it to their hearts' content. I don't think a state should be flying it on public property knowing that a substantial number of other people within the state see it as painful and divisive.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

As far as the Confederate flag goes, I honestly don't care if people want to display one on their car or their house or their own property. But I don't wanna see that shit on public buildings any more than I wanna see an ISIS flag or a Neo Nazi flag waving around in a public place. You have the right to proudly display whatever flag you like on your own personal property. But you don't have the right to force your propaganda down my throat and when I see your flag waving over a public building, that's what I feel you are doing.

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The whole thing is based on tv viewership vs risk, Florduh. If something can be vilified where it will cause a safe level of indignation then the media will do it. Case in point, the Confederate flag. There wasnt too much risk in making it look evil because only the South would care about that. On the other hand, vilifying the cross would piss off everyone. Too much risk there. :)

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Guest Furball

I think florduh makes a good counter point about the cross being offensive to some. As with all communities, the majority would have to vote/get up in arms to remove it. But seeing the majority of this country is all for the cross, it will never be removed no matter how offensive it is to an individual. When it comes to tribes/communities etc., the majority always wins. Since people are brainwashed into thinking the cross stands for something good, that flag will never cease to fly. The perception of the cross would have to change before it would be removed, and since people don't like to have their personal perception changed (familiarity breeds comfort), the cross, unlike the confederate flag, is here to stay, unless someone can convince the masses otherwise. Perception of what is accepted in society is based on the majority thought process, not the individuals, and that can be a bad thing. _Cat

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