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Goodbye Jesus

Omg! Jesus Healed Me!

Guest sylensikeelyoo

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Yeah that's just what I said a few days before I ended up in the hospital when I was 9. I went to this faith healer and I had some breathing problems. It was spring time in South Florida. Orange blossom season. It made my athsma act up really bad and so I had a fast acting inhaler to help me when I couldn't breathe. Aerobic activity, cigarette smoke, pollen, and pollutants all made me cough and wheeze. This was before advair and other daily athsma treatments were available. In the spring, I went through one fast acting inahler a month. Sometimes two. Well, I had just gotten my prescription filled so it was gonna be another 30 days before I could get another one. Mom took me to church that fateful Sunday when a faith healer was in town. Well, we went to church every Sunday but this Sunday was different okay? Fucking faith healers and shit.


So, the dude does his thing, and I was drawing on my paper, because I was 9 and had a short attention span. Suddenly, my ears perk up when the dude says, "There's a child in here who has breathing problems and the Lord says that child will be healed!" I looked up and the guy was staring right at me. "Come down here, child and receive your portion!" Nervously, I get up and I go down there, very timidly, and the guy is all laying his hands on me and the music is playing and the guy has a very soothing voice. It was very hypnotic. He is all praying and repeating the same phrases over and over and goes "IN JESUS NAME!!!!" I felt very wobbly and warm. And he touched my head and pushed me over and I fell backward. I saw other people fall down, and so I thought I should too. So I did. Someone caught me. And covered me. I lied there for a few minutes, unsure of what to do. I saw other people get up, so I did too. Later, the preacher told me that I needed to prove I had faith in order for my healing to "stick"...so I made a whole theatrical production of throwing my inhaler on the stage, to be taken to the trash. I was HEALED!


A few days later, I had an asthma attack and had to go to the hospital. I was there for two days, recieving breathing treatments and a new prescription for a fast acting inhaler. The Dr. scolded my mom for allowing me to throw my inhaler in the trash but he understood because he's a Christian too. But he warned me to never do that again. So yeah. Praise Gawd.post-22230-0-37368300-1436485576_thumb.jpg

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You were healed. It wasn't God's fault that you let doubts creep in. You should have used your shield of faith.  wicked.gif

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The Lard really did heal you, but you let the Talking Snake talk you out of it! 

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Yeah, there must be some sin you did that negated the healing's stickiness!!!1!

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     You should have checked the fine print:

*Healing only valid during service in which it is performed.  Healing provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied.



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That's awful, I'm glad you survived the attack. My mother has mild asthma but has had two really bad attacks which landed her in the ER. I think it's really frustrating that faith healers get away with what they do. If you hadn't made it through that attack he's still get away with telling you to throw away the inhaler. Screw faith healers and their dangerous lies!

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I sometimes wonder how these faith healers and prophets who travel from church to church work up the nerve to come back to a church with people who weren't healed the previous time.

I've wondered this as well. I suppose that either they actually believe what they're teaching, or maybe they see how gullible people are and put their trust in that and just go for it. I'd like to believe that sometime somewhere a pastor have been confronted with this, with an actual congregation standing behind the person who did not get healed and suffered damage as a result of what the pastor said. 

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

ROFL Dude, Brother Jeff, Yunea, and MWC! YALL are right it was all my fault I ended up in the hospital dammit! :D God can't heal me if I don't have faith and OBVIOUSLY I didn't have enough of it because I wasn't healed. It's funny though, I actually believed that's what was wrong for years.


Yep yep Red, Dag, and ES I've thought about that too. That faith healer made lots of money "healing" people and leaving stories of disaster like mine in his wake. I wonder how these people can live with themselves. Peeps like Benny Hinn and this guy that "healed" me are so morally corrupt I wonder if they can even sleep at night. If so, the only people that I think "deserve" to be in the Christian Hell are them.

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My best friend during my teenage years had asthma, went to a healing service and said he was healed. Asked me to throw his inhaler out for him. I did.


He had an attack the next night.


I'm really not certain why neither of us deconverted over that or ever really questioned it. We probably did blame ourselves.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

My best friend during my teenage years had asthma, went to a healing service and said he was healed. Asked me to throw his inhaler out for him. I did.He had an attack the next night.I'm really not certain why neither of us deconverted over that or ever really questioned it. We probably did blame ourselves.

Exactly. This is the doctrine of faith healing. If it works, PRAISE GOD! If it doesn't work, its your fault. God wants to heal you but you aren't letting him. Your lack of faith or "hidden sin" is preventing God from doing what he wants to do in your life.

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If I had been your mom, that alone would have changed my mind about faith healing and religion.  I would put my own child before anybody else.


Great story, though!!!  Glad you survived the faith healing!

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The fact that christians have health insurance, proves they don't have any faith in the bible.

Oh...SNAP...I like that a lot! smile.png

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I'm totally blind since birth. Over the years several people have prayed for me to see. When prayers inevitably failed they would always respond with some variant of "that's okay, God has a special plan for you." Funny how everybody seemed to have his/her own idea of what that plan was.


Another favorite of mine is, "God has given you such a great outlook on life. You're so independent." So I'm independent, but I can't decide what my attitude should be or plan my own life. What does independence mean, again?

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

I'm totally blind since birth. Over the years several people have prayed for me to see. When prayers inevitably failed they would always respond with some variant of "that's okay, God has a special plan for you." Funny how everybody seemed to have his/her own idea of what that plan was.

Another favorite of mine is, "God has given you such a great outlook on life. You're so independent." So I'm independent, but I can't decide what my attitude should be or plan my own life. What does independence mean, again?


Wooooow voyager that's CRAZY! I've always wondered about how peeps with disabilities must feel when they go to church and everyone tells them that God wants to heal them.....and then they never get healed. Then they are told its their fault. And then they are told that this is God's plan and he struck you blind at birth for his glory or whatever. So sorry you went through that bullshit, Voyager. *hugs*

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Thanks! Now I'm coming up with things to say next time some kid wants to pray for me at school:

Could you please pray that God would heal my eyes yesterday? I'm running late to class. If he heals me yesterday then you won't have to pray for me today, because you're praying for me now and he will answer yesterday. All things are logically possible in Christ!

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ROFL Dude, Brother Jeff, Yunea, and MWC! YALL are right it was all my fault I ended up in the hospital dammit! biggrin.png God can't heal me if I don't have faith and OBVIOUSLY I didn't have enough of it because I wasn't healed. It's funny though, I actually believed that's what was wrong for years.


Yep yep Red, Dag, and ES I've thought about that too. That faith healer made lots of money "healing" people and leaving stories of disaster like mine in his wake. I wonder how these people can live with themselves. Peeps like Benny Hinn and this guy that "healed" me are so morally corrupt I wonder if they can even sleep at night. If so, the only people that I think "deserve" to be in the Christian Hell are them.

Easy, if I had the kind of money they have - I could sleep well too. Morality be damned.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo


ROFL Dude, Brother Jeff, Yunea, and MWC! YALL are right it was all my fault I ended up in the hospital dammit! :D God can't heal me if I don't have faith and OBVIOUSLY I didn't have enough of it because I wasn't healed. It's funny though, I actually believed that's what was wrong for years.

Yep yep Red, Dag, and ES I've thought about that too. That faith healer made lots of money "healing" people and leaving stories of disaster like mine in his wake. I wonder how these people can live with themselves. Peeps like Benny Hinn and this guy that "healed" me are so morally corrupt I wonder if they can even sleep at night. If so, the only people that I think "deserve" to be in the Christian Hell are them.


Easy, if I had the kind of money they have - I could sleep well too. Morality be damned.

Good point, Travi. Touché, my friend.

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Guest Furball

I'm totally blind since birth. Over the years several people have prayed for me to see. When prayers inevitably failed they would always respond with some variant of "that's okay, God has a special plan for you." Funny how everybody seemed to have his/her own idea of what that plan was.


Another favorite of mine is, "God has given you such a great outlook on life. You're so independent." So I'm independent, but I can't decide what my attitude should be or plan my own life. What does independence mean, again?


Instead of admitting their religion is a sham, they'll continue to make any line of b.s. stick so as to keep the delusion going. Welcome to ex-c voyager, glad to have you here.

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My recollection of my couple of brief visits to a charismatic church many years ago is that people were regularly going forward for their "healing" and convincing themselves that each time they were a little better.  I suppose it was a sort of analogy between faith healing and antibiotics.  You have to finish the course.  It's just that you don't know how long a course has been prescribed...

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