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Goodbye Jesus

Preacher Whines About Gays And Calls For Prayer........


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I vomited in my mouth a little.

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Ugh! I must say to the Reverend Dr Brown what I want to say to all of Christianity for the past few weeks, "Fuckin waaaah! Religious freedom does not mean you are free to force your doctrine on the rest of the world!" Christians--"People are committing acts contrary to our faith! Help! Help! We're being repressed! You saw him repressing me, didn't you?!?"

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Oops, tried to give your post four stars because I'm all out of updates, but my fat fingers hit three instead.

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Where to begin with this "DR".......


Firstly his own faith says to submit to his earthly masters as they are ordained by god. So he is ignoring that


He makes numerous assertions and presents them as facts, such as Jesus is still Lord


Claims that Satan is raging and the world is fallen....despite worshipping the God who crafted then both 


Asserts that prayer is a great resource ........for what exactly? 


He reckons that attacks show that Christians are doing the right thing, by that logic, attacks against  Hitler, showed that Hitler was doing the right thing 


He ends with the word forward, when the word backwards might have been better 



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Yeah, murderers must be right because everyone wants them in jail.

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Guest Furball

Why do they keep calling for prayers? All those prayers to stop gay marriage didn't work, so why do they keep trying to pray it all away?


Christians have been persecuting humans for 2,000 years. Now that people are not taking it anymore and standing up for their basic human rights, the christians are screaming persecution. 


Persecution: because atheists throwing facts and reason at them is far worse than when they burned us all at the stakes.





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To many theists "Religious Freedom" means exactly that...the right to impose their religious dogma upon others.  Indeed, the same religious dogma usually teaches this is what should be done, or worse (e.g., kills the one who don't comply).



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What's funny is that they are so myopic and don't realize there are many other countries that legalized same-sex marriage and have not been smiteded.

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I don't get this man, I really don't but the last three points of his "advice"  jumped out at me.


Fifth, we must remember that Jesus already warned us that the world would hate us for doing what is right, and so we must renew our resolve to stand firm with backbones of steel and hearts of compassion.

So being anti-gay is doing what's right? Not likely. Christ himself did not say one word about being gay. Also if you want to be compassionate, show love and equality but don't shove your religious beliefs down other people's throats by saying their lifestyle is unacceptable. That's not compassion, it's hatred.

Sixth, we must determine afresh to bring the good news of the gospel to everyone, knowing that our ultimate counterculture weapon is the message of the death and resurrection of the Son of God.

I'm pretty sure the gospel has been spread to all corners of the earth and yet there is no resurrection occurring. And the message of the death and resurrection of Christ? If I were Christian today, I'd be spreading the messages of love, equality, and compassion. But since there's no evidence of Christ actually existing, I don't have to worry about that.

Seventh, we must pray for revival and visitation, knowing that only a massive move of God can turn the tide.

And your prayers probably won't be answered. The only move that will happen is of equality and hopefully a betterment of the human race not one of bigotry and hatred.

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Guest Furball



As long as they believe prayer is their most powerful weapon, we got nothing to worry about.



Let's not forget that if any of them have faith the size of a mustard seed they can command/levitate mountains to remove themselves into the sea. Mark 11:23-24 - 23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.


Watch out ex-c's, these bringers of fiction will levitate an entire mountain and drop it on you. 

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