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What's With All The Cats?


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Yes, this is the most minor of annoyances, but it seems to spreading. Before we notice, it will have infested every corner of cyberspace. That's right, I'm talking about cats - cat based avatars to be more specific.


Run for your 3 lives Fwee!

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OMG it's true!!!



Ack! I have a cat avatar!!!!


I changed it to a Chihuahua....that's much better.

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You cannot resist us! We are pettably adorable! Our only competition here are the bunnies.


Bunnys are the infidels!!!

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You cannot resist us! We are pettably adorable! Our only competition here are the bunnies.


Bunnys are the infidels!!!


*glances sideways at her own avatar*


*clears throat*


*quietly backs away*

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You cannot resist us! We are pettably adorable! Our only competition here are the bunnies.


Bunnys are the infidels!!!


*glances sideways at her own avatar*


*clears throat*


*quietly backs away*



Er.... Is that RoboBunny??? What is that? What time is it?


Oh......this isn't where I parked my car!

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Me? I have my own avatar made for me by a friend of mine. It is based on one of the first US flags, with the motto "Don't Tread on Me."


And hey, cats are independent, like many of us here! XD


I am sure the cyborg is from the anime "Appleseed."

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I am sure the cyborg is from the anime "Appleseed."


Yes. Yes, he is. That is Briareos, he of the bionic bunny ears :HaHa:

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I don't think there are enough cute little balls of fluffy catness. ;)


We could use a few more parrots, too.

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Cats? What I want to know is what's up with all the sickeningly sweet bunnies that keep showing up lately? It's enough to give you a toothache.



My avatar? I just thought it was funny and have been too lazy to change it.

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It's better than dog avatars. Dogs are so friggin needy and I can't stand that in ANY species.





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Yes, this is the most minor of annoyances, but it seems to spreading. Before we notice, it will have infested every corner of cyberspace. That's right, I'm talking about cats - cat based avatars to be more specific.
I noticed this a long time ago. :mellow:
Run for your 3 lives Fwee!

They don't bother me. :Hmm:



Do you know why they don't bother me?















































They're all pussies anyway. :lmao:

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Because cats are awesome!!!


I don't have a cat avatar atm, but if I put up one of my all-time fave Transformers character, there'd be another cat avatar. ^_^ The guy I have there now is giving Cheetor a run for his money, though... <_<

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That's it. That comment and that cute puppy pic have earned you the "Most Heartless Human Being on the Whole Frickin' Planet" award.



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I don't think there are enough cute little balls of fluffy catness. ;)


Couldn't agree with you more...

Cats are basically awesome creatures, in my unbiased opinion...

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Yeah I prefer cats because they are so adorable, see....

cats avi






And this last one leads me to ponder why do blokes love to swerve to run over cats and not dogs ?

I believe running over cats is part of the defensive driving course here in queensland.


But all silliness aside, I do like cats better than dogs.

We found a ferral kitten which was blind, up north when I was a kid.

Sadly because of its blindness it didn't live for long and how the hell it survived in the bush blind I'll never know.

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I've been inspired to change my avatar to a Great Horned Owl.

Great Horned Owls have been known to eat both cats and cute




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ROFL @ Gnosis.... you are evil. Owls are just awesome, though. I love their big eyes.

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You want parrots, I got a parrot! I updated my avatar with a picture of a harlequin macaw. It's not my macaw but it looks just like him!

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And this last one leads me to ponder why do blokes love to swerve to run over cats and not dogs ?

I believe running over cats is part of the defensive driving course here in queensland.


Believe me, it's not just Queensland. People will risk life and limb by swerving toward trees and across multiple oncoming traffic lanes if it means there's a possibility of hitting a cat.


Personally, I only wish their roles could be reversed for a day. Sick fuckers.

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The guy with the horned owl: what about snakes?


What better why to thumb your nose at religion than to use an image of a snake with the message "Don't Tread on Me"

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More of a dog person myself (I appreciate loyalty, and hate servitude), and, historically, cats don't like me.


Personally, I'd like to see more bishounen avatars on the board, but that's just me.

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Dude, it's all about the doggies, and the meeces. Cats just aren't that tough without their claws.


Edit: I think I smell the resurrection of an old thread here...

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Dude, it's all about the doggies, and the meeces. Cats just aren't that tough without their claws.


Edit: I think I smell the resurrection of an old thread here...


Hehehe, I was wondering if anyone else would remember that. :HaHa:

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