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Goodbye Jesus

Another Confirmed Prediction (Particle Physics)


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I wish they'd write this stuff in English.


Glad you're back BAA!

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I wish they'd write this stuff in English.


Glad you're back BAA!


I'd like to know what was predicted in addition to it being understandable as well.

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Basically, a theory known as quantum chromodynamics was used to predict the existence of an exotic form of matter consisting of several quarks and an anti-quark. This prediction was made several decades ago and apparatly has been confirmed. The results have not been officially published yet and I doubt that I would be in a position to make much of the manuscript when it is published.

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It's ok folks - I can't claim to understand this stuff either!  Wendytwitch.gif


The relevant point that I take away from confirmed predictions like this one is that each one significantly strengthens the credibility of science itself.  This is important because science is one of the most powerful weapons that we have at our disposal in our on-going war with religiously-inspired ignorance.  For me, understanding the technical aspects of this isn't a priority or even a necessity.  Instead, here is my non-technical 'take' on confirmed scientific predictions like this one.  I'd recommend adopting this take to anyone daunted by the science itself. 




Science must be a true and real description of reality if it accurately predicts what is unknown and undiscovered.

No other reasonable, rational and logical conclusion is possible.

Which is why we (people of reason, rationality and logic) should smile whenever another prediction is confirmed.

Each confirmation is another victory for our side in the war.












Hey Dude!  :waves:


Yeah, a two week break was very welcome.  smile.png


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     Yeah, well, when jesus returns you'll all see that prediction was true too.


     Yes you will.




     Just you wait and see.


     It's true.




     I mean it.



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Oh...ok then, MWC.


I guess that prediction trumps all others.  Silly me!  :Doh:

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