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Goodbye Jesus

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Christians, some of them any way, might say, that we as ex (or non) believers come onto sites like this to boost each other, as we really, or secretly believe and want to validate our "false" heresy......that we "know" that Jesus is real and that we ignore the "mountain" of proof.


Firstly, many of us, including me, have been damaged by Christianity, some of us have been devastated by it. So offering each other support and comfort on an on-line site, such as this is enriching and  comforting. It has little to do with strengthening "false" belief.


As for proof....the bible makes claims we can be all but certain are false. Believers(it claims) can drink poison unharmed.......yet they can't.......a false claim.......


Christians point out that Daniel proves that Jesus was the Messiah, as does other OT books......well aside from the fact that is just saying that The Bible , errr backs up the Bible.........look at it this way.......The Jews believed in God, awaited the Messiah, etc.....along came Jesus and looking and listening to Him, first hand, they were not convinced.....so if He wasn't good enough for devout and believing eye witnesses, why should He be good enough for me 


Many many Christians, include serious and professional ones, such as (the late) Charles Templeton and Dan Barker, lost their faith, which always makes a lie to the claim, once a believer , always so 


The vast majority of believers , including church going Christians have never ever read the Bible all the way through....yet have no shame in pretending to love the god in its pages, despite Him being the way He is......


The bottom line is this.........having the belief, that you have an invisible sin inside you, and that it can only be removed by magic thinking about a dude who was His own dad, is not very healthy 

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If meeting together to prop up weak beliefs is a bad thing, then why do so many christians advertise that as one of the main benefits of regular church attendance?

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Christians, some of them any way, might say, that we as ex (or non) believers come onto sites like this to boost each other, as we really, or secretly believe and want to validate our "false" heresy......that we "know" that Jesus is real and that we ignore the "mountain" of proof.



Why should I care about what some Christians "might say"?  In my experience, most of what they say is nonsense.

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