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Panic Attack From Hell


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Actually, I'm still in it. I'm just so terrified of blashpeming the holy spirit, I can't seem to get over it. About half an hour ago, I really started panicking about it and I was about to call someone about it; psychiatrist, anything, but then I realized; I have no working phone. Why does it seem so real? Why does it seem like the holy spirit is actually trying to convict me? Is this how anxiety just works? It feels like I'm gonna die and like it's never going away; the thought of having this unbearable fear and pain and worse forever in hell makes it a lot worse. Not to mention how bad it feels surfing on this site. I feel absolutely terrible.

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I take it that you were indoctrinated in Christianity for many years.  This is the defense mechanism


Christianity has against people waking up.  Panic attacks are not rational.  They are triggered through


emotional manipulation.





I've recently has a lot of success controlling my panic attacks but I've been working at it a long time so


your results may vary.  By that I mean you might have a different cause and my method is designed to


deal with the cause of my panic attacks.  Anyway in case it is useful:


I relax.  (I've had meditation training that helps me relax.)


Then I notice some of the inanimate objects around me.


Then I remind myself that these things around me do not care about the problem giving me emotional stress.


This makes the panic attack end.

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Sorry to hear that, man. I hope it will pass soon.


Just wondering: doesn't it make you even a little indignant to believe that God will send you to hell for eternity? What right does HE have to send YOU to hell? You never did a damn thing to him. He got his feelings hurt and his nose out of joint for...what? Because you called him a bad name, stepped on his toes, threw some sand in his face, pissed on his dog? God needs to get over it.

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It would be a really good idea to make an appointment with a psychiatrist and get on one of the meds that can treat OCD.

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Actually, I'm still in it. I'm just so terrified of blashpeming the holy spirit, I can't seem to get over it. About half an hour ago, I really started panicking about it and I was about to call someone about it; psychiatrist, anything, but then I realized; I have no working phone. Why does it seem so real? Why does it seem like the holy spirit is actually trying to convict me? Is this how anxiety just works? It feels like I'm gonna die and like it's never going away; the thought of having this unbearable fear and pain and worse forever in hell makes it a lot worse. Not to mention how bad it feels surfing on this site. I feel absolutely terrible.


My advice is to let the panic attack happen and to try and keep yourself distracted during it by watching a movie or reading a book. Another tidbit would be to research what you're panicking about to let your mind rationalize why you're terrified in the first place. If none of that works, we're here to help and talk to you if needed. :)

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Just breathe, sweetie. This is just your indoctrination losing its grip on you. I had moments of panic too, when I first started deconverting. I know you are still clinging really hard to your faith, even though it is irreversibly broken. It's okay, Dag. You'll be okay. Your not damning yourself to hell, your not being attacked by demons, the devil isn't pulling you away from God. Hell, God, demons, devil, holy spirit...NONE of it is real. There is no Holy SPIRIT! There. I just blasphemed him too. I'm still here, talking to you. No demons popped up out of the bushes to drag me to my doom. It's all stories to keep us in line. It's all made up bullshit to control us. Just relax, sweetie, and give yourself time to breathe. Give yourself time to think and decompress. You are going to be okay. You ARE okay.

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Panic attacks are horrible,you have my sympathy.

When I was in my late teens I went thru months of that stuff bout blaspheming the HS.was bad.i found a book by John bunion helpful then.cny recall it's name but wasn't pilgrims progress lol.i couldn't recommend such an author now esp where ur at.

That little caveat in the NT must hav caused so much turmoil for people over the centuries and is bloody wicked and vicious.please understand it's part of the control structure of Christianity and is vicious coz it destroys mental health of sensitive people.it is NOT the product of a loving being.its a pernicious evil bit of gaslight ing from a psychpathic roman system of population control.

In time I hope you'll b able to not give a crap about some supposed sin.

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The same bible that has convinced you to be afraid of blasphemy is the one that says husbands have a right to their wives' bodies and women have a responsibility to have sex. This has led Christians to excuse or ignore abuse and rape. See Fweethawt's thread in R and R, it just went up.


I'm talking about this because I just read Fweethawt's post and it's on my mind. What got me started doubting the bible was reading its comments on women and interference in people's marriages. Stoning women (teenage girls) for having sex and selling victims to their rapists, in the so-called irrelevant Old Testament which is somehow still in the bible, keeps me going on the path of unbelief whenever I have doubts. Thought it might help you.


Edit: I know panic attacks are a mental thing and getting help might be of service, but I still used to feel terrible and was obsessed with hell and what if I was wrong. Consistently reminding myself of the bible's BS has really, really helped.

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Actually, I'm still in it. I'm just so terrified of blashpeming the holy spirit, I can't seem to get over it. About half an hour ago, I really started panicking about it and I was about to call someone about it; psychiatrist, anything, but then I realized; I have no working phone. Why does it seem so real? Why does it seem like the holy spirit is actually trying to convict me? Is this how anxiety just works? It feels like I'm gonna die and like it's never going away; the thought of having this unbearable fear and pain and worse forever in hell makes it a lot worse. Not to mention how bad it feels surfing on this site. I feel absolutely terrible.


My advice is to let the panic attack happen and to try and keep yourself distracted during it by watching a movie or reading a book. Another tidbit would be to research what you're panicking about to let your mind rationalize why you're terrified in the first place. If none of that works, we're here to help and talk to you if needed. smile.png



Distracting yourself with a comedy (or at least a light-hearted) TV show really does help. Another thing that helped me was making a CD of happy songs to listen to when I felt panic. At the very least, get up and get out of the room (go elsewhere in the house or take a walk outside).


And make sure you have a working phone available at all times. It helps to talk to someone when you're in this state. Besides, you never know when you might need to call for help in an emergency (of any kind).


I had occasional panic attacks for over a year, and they were dreadful. I suspect yours are worse because mine were "only" due to multiple sclerosis, i.e., neurological not psychological. There weren't any bad thoughts that I was ruminating over. I'm sure as hell NOT scared of hell; it's a ridiculous and obviously fictional concept. But knowing intellectually that there wasn't any black, ugly doom waiting to pounce on me did not prevent me from feeling like I needed to get up immediately and run through the wall.


I know that sometimes just worrying about the possibility of having a panic attack is enough to bring one on. The last time I had one of these attacks was March 22, 2014. I hope I don't have any more.


But, if I do, I'll just ride it out while practicing distraction. I hope this works for you, too, and I wish you the very best. Wouldn't hurt to see a doctor, too.

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I take it that you were indoctrinated in Christianity for many years.  This is the defense mechanism


Christianity has against people waking up.  Panic attacks are not rational.  They are triggered through


emotional manipulation.





I've recently has a lot of success controlling my panic attacks but I've been working at it a long time so


your results may vary.  By that I mean you might have a different cause and my method is designed to


deal with the cause of my panic attacks.  Anyway in case it is useful:


I relax.  (I've had meditation training that helps me relax.)


Then I notice some of the inanimate objects around me.


Then I remind myself that these things around me do not care about the problem giving me emotional stress.


This makes the panic attack end.

What kind of meditation training have you had, or at least, where did you start?


Sorry to hear that, man. I hope it will pass soon.


Just wondering: doesn't it make you even a little indignant to believe that God will send you to hell for eternity? What right does HE have to send YOU to hell? You never did a damn thing to him. He got his feelings hurt and his nose out of joint for...what? Because you called him a bad name, stepped on his toes, threw some sand in his face, pissed on his dog? God needs to get over it.

Thanks. It's strange, it's like I actually feel I would deserve it. I suppose I don't have to tell you much about my self-confidence, heh.


My advice is to let the panic attack happen and to try and keep yourself distracted during it by watching a movie or reading a book. Another tidbit would be to research what you're panicking about to let your mind rationalize why you're terrified in the first place. If none of that works, we're here to help and talk to you if needed. smile.png


Any movie or book recommendations? Thank you.


Just breathe, sweetie. This is just your indoctrination losing its grip on you. I had moments of panic too, when I first started deconverting. I know you are still clinging really hard to your faith, even though it is irreversibly broken. It's okay, Dag. You'll be okay. Your not damning yourself to hell, your not being attacked by demons, the devil isn't pulling you away from God. Hell, God, demons, devil, holy spirit...NONE of it is real. There is no Holy SPIRIT! There. I just blasphemed him too. I'm still here, talking to you. No demons popped up out of the bushes to drag me to my doom. It's all stories to keep us in line. It's all made up bullshit to control us. Just relax, sweetie, and give yourself time to breathe. Give yourself time to think and decompress. You are going to be okay. You ARE okay.

Thank you. It's better now, but it's also like... lurking around the corner.


Panic attacks are horrible,you have my sympathy.

When I was in my late teens I went thru months of that stuff bout blaspheming the HS.was bad.i found a book by John bunion helpful then.cny recall it's name but wasn't pilgrims progress lol.i couldn't recommend such an author now esp where ur at.

That little caveat in the NT must hav caused so much turmoil for people over the centuries and is bloody wicked and vicious.please understand it's part of the control structure of Christianity and is vicious coz it destroys mental health of sensitive people.it is NOT the product of a loving being.its a pernicious evil bit of gaslight ing from a psychpathic roman system of population control.

In time I hope you'll b able to not give a crap about some supposed sin.

Perhaps I would give it a read anyway. I've wondered about that too, such a small passage, but so many people must have felt so incredibly bad about it...


The same bible that has convinced you to be afraid of blasphemy is the one that says husbands have a right to their wives' bodies and women have a responsibility to have sex. This has led Christians to excuse or ignore abuse and rape. See Fweethawt's thread in R and R, it just went up.


I'm talking about this because I just read Fweethawt's post and it's on my mind. What got me started doubting the bible was reading its comments on women and interference in people's marriages. Stoning women (teenage girls) for having sex and selling victims to their rapists, in the so-called irrelevant Old Testament which is somehow still in the bible, keeps me going on the path of unbelief whenever I have doubts. Thought it might help you.


Edit: I know panic attacks are a mental thing and getting help might be of service, but I still used to feel terrible and was obsessed with hell and what if I was wrong. Consistently reminding myself of the bible's BS has really, really helped.

It helps to recall some of the more immoral parts of the bible, thank you.


Distracting yourself with a comedy (or at least a light-hearted) TV show really does help. Another thing that helped me was making a CD of happy songs to listen to when I felt panic. At the very least, get up and get out of the room (go elsewhere in the house or take a walk outside).


And make sure you have a working phone available at all times. It helps to talk to someone when you're in this state. Besides, you never know when you might need to call for help in an emergency (of any kind).


I had occasional panic attacks for over a year, and they were dreadful. I suspect yours are worse because mine were "only" due to multiple sclerosis, i.e., neurological not psychological. There weren't any bad thoughts that I was ruminating over. I'm sure as hell NOT scared of hell; it's a ridiculous and obviously fictional concept. But knowing intellectually that there wasn't any black, ugly doom waiting to pounce on me did not prevent me from feeling like I needed to get up immediately and run through the wall.


I know that sometimes just worrying about the possibility of having a panic attack is enough to bring one on. The last time I had one of these attacks was March 22, 2014. I hope I don't have any more.


But, if I do, I'll just ride it out while practicing distraction. I hope this works for you, too, and I wish you the very best. Wouldn't hurt to see a doctor, too.


Thank you for your advice. I'm gonna try TV and I'm gonna work on the phone bit. Practising distraction btw?


For future reference. If you talk to your doctor. What helped me, was Ativan. It helps take away the panic.

There is no Hell. That's why I hate the Christian religion. It literally puts the fear of Hell and the devil into people.

Hell doesn't add up. If there was a god I am sure he can do the math to see it just doesn't add up.

Ativan, I'll try and remember that. Why do you think there is no hell?

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What kind of meditation training have you had, or at least, where did you start?



Aikido, actually.  It's semi-common.  However meditation was an afterthought.  You could go to any Buddhist


temple to get the same thing.

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I take it that you were indoctrinated in Christianity for many years.  This is the defense mechanism


Christianity has against people waking up.  Panic attacks are not rational.  They are triggered through


emotional manipulation.





I've recently has a lot of success controlling my panic attacks but I've been working at it a long time so


your results may vary.  By that I mean you might have a different cause and my method is designed to


deal with the cause of my panic attacks.  Anyway in case it is useful:


I relax.  (I've had meditation training that helps me relax.)


Then I notice some of the inanimate objects around me.


Then I remind myself that these things around me do not care about the problem giving me emotional stress.


This makes the panic attack end.

What kind of meditation training have you had, or at least, where did you start?


Sorry to hear that, man. I hope it will pass soon.


Just wondering: doesn't it make you even a little indignant to believe that God will send you to hell for eternity? What right does HE have to send YOU to hell? You never did a damn thing to him. He got his feelings hurt and his nose out of joint for...what? Because you called him a bad name, stepped on his toes, threw some sand in his face, pissed on his dog? God needs to get over it.

Thanks. It's strange, it's like I actually feel I would deserve it. I suppose I don't have to tell you much about my self-confidence, heh.


My advice is to let the panic attack happen and to try and keep yourself distracted during it by watching a movie or reading a book. Another tidbit would be to research what you're panicking about to let your mind rationalize why you're terrified in the first place. If none of that works, we're here to help and talk to you if needed. smile.png


Any movie or book recommendations? Thank you.


Just breathe, sweetie. This is just your indoctrination losing its grip on you. I had moments of panic too, when I first started deconverting. I know you are still clinging really hard to your faith, even though it is irreversibly broken. It's okay, Dag. You'll be okay. Your not damning yourself to hell, your not being attacked by demons, the devil isn't pulling you away from God. Hell, God, demons, devil, holy spirit...NONE of it is real. There is no Holy SPIRIT! There. I just blasphemed him too. I'm still here, talking to you. No demons popped up out of the bushes to drag me to my doom. It's all stories to keep us in line. It's all made up bullshit to control us. Just relax, sweetie, and give yourself time to breathe. Give yourself time to think and decompress. You are going to be okay. You ARE okay.

Thank you. It's better now, but it's also like... lurking around the corner.


Panic attacks are horrible,you have my sympathy.

When I was in my late teens I went thru months of that stuff bout blaspheming the HS.was bad.i found a book by John bunion helpful then.cny recall it's name but wasn't pilgrims progress lol.i couldn't recommend such an author now esp where ur at.

That little caveat in the NT must hav caused so much turmoil for people over the centuries and is bloody wicked and vicious.please understand it's part of the control structure of Christianity and is vicious coz it destroys mental health of sensitive people.it is NOT the product of a loving being.its a pernicious evil bit of gaslight ing from a psychpathic roman system of population control.

In time I hope you'll b able to not give a crap about some supposed sin.

Perhaps I would give it a read anyway. I've wondered about that too, such a small passage, but so many people must have felt so incredibly bad about it...


The same bible that has convinced you to be afraid of blasphemy is the one that says husbands have a right to their wives' bodies and women have a responsibility to have sex. This has led Christians to excuse or ignore abuse and rape. See Fweethawt's thread in R and R, it just went up.


I'm talking about this because I just read Fweethawt's post and it's on my mind. What got me started doubting the bible was reading its comments on women and interference in people's marriages. Stoning women (teenage girls) for having sex and selling victims to their rapists, in the so-called irrelevant Old Testament which is somehow still in the bible, keeps me going on the path of unbelief whenever I have doubts. Thought it might help you.


Edit: I know panic attacks are a mental thing and getting help might be of service, but I still used to feel terrible and was obsessed with hell and what if I was wrong. Consistently reminding myself of the bible's BS has really, really helped.

It helps to recall some of the more immoral parts of the bible, thank you.


Distracting yourself with a comedy (or at least a light-hearted) TV show really does help. Another thing that helped me was making a CD of happy songs to listen to when I felt panic. At the very least, get up and get out of the room (go elsewhere in the house or take a walk outside).


And make sure you have a working phone available at all times. It helps to talk to someone when you're in this state. Besides, you never know when you might need to call for help in an emergency (of any kind).


I had occasional panic attacks for over a year, and they were dreadful. I suspect yours are worse because mine were "only" due to multiple sclerosis, i.e., neurological not psychological. There weren't any bad thoughts that I was ruminating over. I'm sure as hell NOT scared of hell; it's a ridiculous and obviously fictional concept. But knowing intellectually that there wasn't any black, ugly doom waiting to pounce on me did not prevent me from feeling like I needed to get up immediately and run through the wall.


I know that sometimes just worrying about the possibility of having a panic attack is enough to bring one on. The last time I had one of these attacks was March 22, 2014. I hope I don't have any more.


But, if I do, I'll just ride it out while practicing distraction. I hope this works for you, too, and I wish you the very best. Wouldn't hurt to see a doctor, too.


Thank you for your advice. I'm gonna try TV and I'm gonna work on the phone bit. Practising distraction btw?


For future reference. If you talk to your doctor. What helped me, was Ativan. It helps take away the panic.

There is no Hell. That's why I hate the Christian religion. It literally puts the fear of Hell and the devil into people.

Hell doesn't add up. If there was a god I am sure he can do the math to see it just doesn't add up.

Ativan, I'll try and remember that. Why do you think there is no hell?



If you have a favorite movie to watch or a favorite book to read, they would work.


And I'm going to jump in the Hell debate. EternalStudent saying that there is no Hell is correct because the Jews don't have a Hell. Think of it this way: Why would Jesus-a Jewish man-be preaching about Hell when his religion didn't have a concept of one? It makes no sense. From my understanding, the pagan traditions at the time had their versions of Hell and the early church took those concepts and adapted them into Christianity. A former priest has also stated that Hell was created by the church as a way to control people (http://deadstate.org/retired-priest-hell-was-invented-by-the-church-to-control-people-with-fear/).


So there really is nothing to worry about. If your anxiety continously gets out of hand, I'd suggest talking to your doctor to be put onto medication or finding a secular therapist to talk about the anxiety. I suffer from anxiety issues as well and have to take antidepressant medication to control it.

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Been there done that literally put it appears blasphemy is being convicted by the spirit and then ignoring it... Sure u can say Jesus said speak but the problem is that in Gnostic and Apocryphal works Jesus was asked point blank what it was and he said it was essentially being a believer then falling away... The didache vaguely confirms it toooo.... Ignore synoptics and if u don't want to just remember that it if Jesus said something different then this either means one is the wrong interpretation and if so which or it means Jesus contradicted himself... Ultimately ur here now so ur unsaved etc... Jesus said it's impossible to return when you leave the flock think about why.... It's because you turned your back on the holy spirit.... Take some antidepressants ul soon see how stupid all Christinity is

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I'm generally an anxious person. I deal with the fear of hell the same way I cope with anything else that scares me - vigorous exercise. After ten minutes on a trampoline the terror is gone.


That last observation suggests to me that nothing supernatural is going on. If I had a soul and it was afraid of a real hell, wouldn't I experience fear in my soul even after I gave my brain feel-good chemicals?

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"Ativan, I'll try and remember that. Why do you think there is no hell?"


You're not going to Hell any more than a dog, or a rat is going to Hell. Human beings are just a part of the animal kingdom. Our brain governs our life and when we die there is no more us. The human animal has a huge imagination and creates stories and myths which can sometimes scare him/herself, but ultimately you are like your pet, just a more complex animal.

There is nothing to fear. You don't have a soul any more than a rabbit has one. What sets you apart from the animal kingdom, except for the size of your brain and for example the ability to tell stories? The entire animal kingdom has evolved over long periods of time. Is there now all of a sudden a supernatural soul and spirit inserted for the human being? That is the stuff of myths.

I think this is a good argument.


I'm generally an anxious person. I deal with the fear of hell the same way I cope with anything else that scares me - vigorous exercise. After ten minutes on a trampoline the terror is gone.


That last observation suggests to me that nothing supernatural is going on. If I had a soul and it was afraid of a real hell, wouldn't I experience fear in my soul even after I gave my brain feel-good chemicals?

I do agree. I've tried this myself a few times.

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