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Goodbye Jesus

Roy Moore Urged Christians To Pull Kids Out Of Public Schools That Teach Evolution


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What an idiot.

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If you want to teach your kids that the world is 6,000 years old then my kids might not hire your kids.

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I strongly favor public school education. Some schools are academically better than others, but the primary advantage of public schooling is exposing children to different races, cultures and religions; the world as it really is. A general curriculum provides a balance of information rather than a specific focus and indoctrination. Granted, some non-religious private schools offer superior academics at a price, but that still keeps the child in isolation from the world he will eventually have to live in.

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I strongly favor public school education. Some schools are academically better than others, but the primary advantage of public schooling is exposing children to different races, cultures and religions; the world as it really is. A general curriculum provides a balance of information rather than a specific focus and indoctrination. Granted, some non-religious private schools offer superior academics at a price, but that still keeps the child in isolation from the world he will eventually have to live in.


I went to a Christian high school that loved to crow about how better their academics were than public schools. I thought this was true until I saw a list of classes taught in public schools (AP classes, ceramics, art, higher levels of math, more sciences, second languages!!) and I saw the class resources like modern computers, a huge library, etc...All that money my parents spent on a "quality" Christian education was basically so I could take a few Bible classes and be forced to sit through chapel every week.

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I had had real issues fitting in at the public school due to my church upbringing and having moved from city to city so many times during my teens. I couldn't socialize with non-Christians at all.


So, the Christian school fixed the social issues, but I may as well have just dropped out of high school as it ended up that the tech schools I wanted to go to wouldn't accept my diploma anyway.

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I strongly favor public school education. Some schools are academically better than others, but the primary advantage of public schooling is exposing children to different races, cultures and religions; the world as it really is. A general curriculum provides a balance of information rather than a specific focus and indoctrination. Granted, some non-religious private schools offer superior academics at a price, but that still keeps the child in isolation from the world he will eventually have to live in.

I went to a Christian high school that loved to crow about how better their academics were than public schools. I thought this was true until I saw a list of classes taught in public schools (AP classes, ceramics, art, higher levels of math, more sciences, second languages!!) and I saw the class resources like modern computers, a huge library, etc...All that money my parents spent on a "quality" Christian education was basically so I could take a few Bible classes and be forced to sit through chapel every week.

Pretty much sums it up. Anything beyond chemistry and physics had to be done online. No shop, no internships. Seriously, kids start their apprenticeships in high school now and are done 9 months of a 5 year apprenticeship and basic level trade school before they graduate public high school. They are a year ahead of all the christian kids.

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I agree with Brother Josh...I went to an all girls Catholic High School for a year and hated it, and begged my parents to allow me to go to the city public school for the remaining years, which I did. Not only is Florduh's assessment spot on, but the public school was huge. We had a theater, a television production studio, photography labs, drafting and architecture labs, science labs, an elaborate gym with a pool, a mechanics garage, an entire building devoted to art studios and music rooms, a gigantic library, a computer lab (impressive at the time) and many, many more resources. All of the things you see in the movies. I had never gone to a school like that before. Not to mention 4,000 students vs 200. The private school was in a tiny dilapidated building. I remember even then wondering why it cost so much money when you got nothing in return.

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