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Goodbye Jesus

God's Not Dead -- How It Plays Out For Real


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     Serves him right.  If he was still a believer he'd be under god's protection and have a teaching job and probably a really sweet parking spot (*available upon request).



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The education system for that entire county is run by a bunch of religious asshats. Here's another case (unrelated to what Neil Carter went through) in which a judge ruled against them just days ago.


I'm sure they're all just overwhelmed with joy that they're being persecuted for their beliefs by the government. Religion: it's a hell of a drug.

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Don't you guys realize that the school is saving people's souls?  What good is learning math or engrish when salvation is for all eternity?

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Don't you guys realize that the school is saving people's souls?  What good is learning math or engrish when salvation is for all eternity?

There was a situation here in the UK , a few years back. I can't recall all the details now, but during an interview for a teaching position, a teacher was asked about his views on education. He gave sensible answers, unaware he was being grilled by a fundy. He was told , it was pointless to encourage students to get good grades if they went to hell and he didn't get the job.


He went public and I don't expect the school enjoyed the media attention much  

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