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Goodbye Jesus

300 Prophecies Fulfilled....

Guest Serene Agnostic Atheist

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Guest Serene Agnostic Atheist

This has to be one of the most overused phrases used by Christian literalists and I'd like to know.... do you just take your pastor's word on this and that of apologists' in books or have you LITERALLY read, IN CONTEXT, for yourself, these claims? I'll be honest right now and say I used to say the same damn thing without having ever checked it out for myself IN the bible and by reading for myself in context.


The prophecies that I have come across and especially the Messianic ones have not happened. So again, have you checked out these claims on YOUR OWN, without the help of apologetics?

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They figure we're not paying attention, just like them.

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I once had a pastor make a claim about the probabilities of the 300 or so prophecies being fulfilled. He said their fulfillment was akin to filling the state of Texas with quarters, 2 feet deep. After doing so, a plane would fly randomly across the state for several hours and then a parachutist would jump into the quarters. After landing he would reach his hand in once, dig, and then pull out the one gold quarter.


These kind of arguments are great for impressing the sheep and reenforcing the myth. Critical thinking skills are not the norm in society, that's for sure.

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I once had a pastor make a claim about the probabilities of the 300 or so prophecies being fulfilled. He said their fulfillment was akin to filling the state of Texas with quarters, 2 feet deep. After doing so, a plane would fly randomly across the state for several hours and then a parachutist would jump into the quarters. After landing he would reach his hand in once, dig, and then pull out the one gold quarter.



Yeah, and then discovering that the "gold" on the quarter was yellow

paint. Oh, I forgot, we aren't supposed to question.....



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The only ones I knew firsthand about were the ones mentioned in sermons. I just took it for granted that the other hundred million ones were true too... why would a pastor lie, after all? Ugh.


I once had a pastor make a claim about the probabilities of the 300 or so prophecies being fulfilled. He said their fulfillment was akin to filling the state of Texas with quarters, 2 feet deep. After doing so, a plane would fly randomly across the state for several hours and then a parachutist would jump into the quarters. After landing he would reach his hand in once, dig, and then pull out the one gold quarter.



Yeah, and then discovering that the "gold" on the quarter was yellow

paint. Oh, I forgot, we aren't supposed to question.....





LOL I'm a very amateur coin collector... I have one of those fraud Liberty V nickels.

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