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Goodbye Jesus

Witnessed To By Mormons


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I was in Wal-Mart parking lot putting my groceries in the truck when a young,uniformed (white shirt, black tie, dress slacks, name tag.) Mormon missionary came up to me asking me if I wanted to hear about Jesus.


My daughters friend Troy had come with me to help me. I looked at Troy and it was all I could do not to bust out laughing.


I said, "No, thank you, I'm not interested."


"Would you like the Book of Mormon to read?"


"No thank you."


"Would you like a small card to read?"


"No, thank you."


"Well, okay, have a nice night."


"Thanks, you too."


I didn't want to be mean to him cause he looked really, really young. So, I was nice but I got my point across.



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You attract'em like a magnet... do you have some sign that says "lost" pasted on your forehead or something?

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I need to laminate my avatar and hang it around my neck.

It's usually Mormon's. Last summer, I had a bad infestation and it took me a couple of weeks to get rid of them.

However, at work last week it was the Jahovah's Witnesses. I basically run the place and am the only one there usually. We do document destruction, so I pulverized what they gave me.



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Welcome to daFatman's Black and Tan Taliban


Both Bear and GingerBoo travel with me most places the Urban Assault Vehicle go.


Since I am such a cuddwie widdle fella, so approachable and lubbable, i hardly EVEH get them around me or the house and grounds..


Worth their weight in dog bombs!




>edited: trying to show pics of the rest of the Talibaneers<





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Hello, Bear and Ginger! *Woof*


"Dog bombs"... :lmao: I guess that makes those lumps in the cats' litterboxes landmines, then.


My personal strategy for keeping proselytodrones off my property... A 25-foot-long concrete dragon. Didn't have a single JW all last summer.

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I"Would you like the Book of Mormon to read?"


"No thank you."


"Would you like a small card to read?"


"No, thank you."


"Well, okay, have a nice night."


"Thanks, you too."


I didn't want to be mean to him cause he looked really, really young. So, I was nice but I got my point across.




At least they were polite, and not pushy! I've never been approached by Mormons, only by JW's. I don't live in an affluent neighborhood, which I always thought the mormons favored.


My personal strategy for keeping proselytodrones off my property... A 25-foot-long concrete dragon. Didn't have a single JW all last summer.


They probably thought you were a satanist, or something! Let's see, what symbol of darkness can I hang outside my door?

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:Standby for a total Thread Derailment:


:Gross Warning Ahead:




Not "catmines"... At hacinedaFatman, biggles' lives with us, he and his two inside catZ. We have two of our own, but they are mostly outside kritters, no box needed..


Consider the Taliban finds the katZ leavings in the pan in Biggles' room 'catcookies".


When looked at, the cat poop in its litter looks like a popular candy.. An not_so_obvious delicacy for the Taliban as the pan mysteriously cleans itself...


You soon learn not to allow any talibaineer near you after they have been on that end of hacienda..


:Now back to your regularly scheduled thread:



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