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Goodbye Jesus

Irony Of Ironies

Guest Beyond Belief

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Guest Beyond Belief

When reading this evangelican Christian organisation's article about helping a friend or relative `involved in a cult', I couldln't help being aware that the first few patagraphs of the article could be describing someone entering evangelical Christianity:


"The first sign you may have of a friend or relative entering a cult is that their personality alters and you begin to realise that they are not acting as they would normally but it is just like someone has 'reprogrammed' their actions and responses.


The first reaction to this can often be to tell them not to be so silly and pull themselves together. Unfortunately though, they are not thinking for themselves and such advice will normally fall on 'deaf ears'."


The writer is blissfully unaware they are describing people who become involved in evangelical / fundamentalist Christianity!


They will feel that they have found 'the way' they have been looking for. They will still be feeling 'special' that they have found something you do not have and may even have been giving the impression that they are 'chosen'. They will be increasingly coming under the control of the group and so might well take decisions out of character that will appear illogical to you. Their life will increasingly be taken up with the things of the group and that might mean that they ignore practical issues of every day life and become very unreliable.


Uncanny! :Doh:



Oops, forgot to add the link.


The website


Oops, forgot to add the link:

The website

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Oh, but if the group you're into lines up with scripture, you haven't found a cult. You've found the truth.


:Doh: Everyone knows that shit.



That is funny, isn't it? The description of someone involved in a cult fits me to a "T" when I was a christian zealot.


Their answer is "no, no - don't go off the deep end in that stuff - go off the deep end in ours"

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Yep, fundie Christianity fits the description of a destructive cult to a "T"! I realized that a few years ago and did an article on it:



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Guest Beyond Belief

There is another organisation her in the UK which is psudo `official' - The Cult info Centre. But when you look at the staff, almost every one is a Christian (though the `respectable' old-fashioned reverend minister types, togetehr with professors etc).


The Cult Information Centre's staff


This helps to perpetrates the myth in the puclic's minds that cults are things outside Christianity.

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"The first sign you may have of a friend or relative entering a cult is that their personality alters and you begin to realise that they are not acting as they would normally but it is just like someone has 'reprogrammed' their actions and responses.


The first reaction to this can often be to tell them not to be so silly and pull themselves together. Unfortunately though, they are not thinking for themselves and such advice will normally fall on 'deaf ears'."

I have a lot of churches in my area. I can't drive five minutes in either direction without passing at least two of them. Most of them use their signs out by the road to post their stupid little sayings. A couple of months back, one read, "The worst advice that you can give to most people is for them to be themselves." :ugh:
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Christians need to face it- there is no way to define cult so that every other religion besides their own falls under it unless they specifically define cult as "anything non christian".

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...there is no way to define cult so that every other religion besides their own falls under it unless they specifically define cult as "anything non christian".


Unfortunately, that's exactly how most people in America define a cult. :Doh:

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Guest Beyond Belief

I just wonder if someone could turn the tables on them. Evangelical Christian `anti-cult' organisations stress that their members are ex JW's or Mormons or whatever. They spend their time telling Christians how they `came out' and about all the inside secrets of how the `cults' operate. How would they react to ex-Christians who view them they way they treat other religions. :grin: I might just go down the road of "I used to believe what you did before i saw the deception...." just to see the indignation of their faces.

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