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Exploding Supernovae And Robotic Telescopes

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Andy Howell

We had so much fun talking movies with Andy Howell, so we continued talking with him about his work as scientist at Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCOGT) and Adjunct Faculty in physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.  Andy joins us (again) to talk about studying supernovae, his work with robotic telescopes, and how science really happens.


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2016nationalNSTA Nashville 2016

Don’t forget to plan your trip to the NSTA National Conference on Science Education in Nashville, March 31-April 3.

See http://www.nsta.org/conferences/national.aspx for registration, schedule, sessions, exhibits and housing.

Don’t forget to follow #NSTA2016 on social media!

We always love to hear from you – our listeners. Do you have any ideas for guests? What topics in science and science education need to be addressed? Submit your comments, concerns and suggestions through our contact page or tweet to us at @laboutloud.

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