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Goodbye Jesus

For Sale: God


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:lmao: Ha! I bet someone will complain. But it's still funny to see.
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Pretty funny. Bet you get some interesting replies....

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God for a dollar?


Well by golly, I'll buy that!


That's one genuine bonafide cheap sleet deal if youse ask mees.



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Already down as far as I can tell.

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Too funny :lmao: What would really be interesting would be if that were to go onto E-Bay! :lmao:

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I wish I got to it before the decency police got to it. It's funny what gets passed through the PC filters and what gets flagged on CL. Fuckin weirdos.

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I missed it.... *rats* but it is amusing to think about.... Ebay would be hilarious too..... hell, you could sell a box of rocks on that site so I am sure that god would be a seller too... lolol

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