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Goodbye Jesus

God: A Rant


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:eek: Pulitizer Prize winner right there man, loved every word! :grin:


Oh man, that was some good venom!

I try to be a little more... um... respectful but if I drop the gloves

that's pretty dead on to how I feel deep down.

I copied it just in case it meets with Big Brother's delete button. :phew:



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That was very enlightening..., Now tell us how you REALLY feel? :)

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I'm not offended...mmm..what does that say about meh?

More power to you Pooonis! :woohoo:

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"I've seethed a kid in it's mothers milk, and I'll do it again *just to fucking mock you.* "




Of course, the shocked evangelical reading this will stutter, "But that's not even one of the Ten Commandments". Funny how they brush off all those other commandments which supposedly were uttered by Biblegod himself. Guess you can pick and choose. I pick no commandments and no Biblegod.

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