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Those Crazy Christians


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Can you believe it? Christians actually believe that their scriptures fortold future events. That everything that is happening in the world currently was spelled out thousands of years ago. See if you can even read half of this and still follow it...




Then there is this stuff...




What do you think X'ers? Are Christians a dangerous bunch? Would the world be better off without them? What would you think if the twelfth Imam nuked the US or Israel or both?



Rev 12:12

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Go back through history and you'll see that every major, and most minor wars, have some kind of religious connotation to them.


That's telling enough for me how ineffective religion is.

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Guest sub_zer0

Go back through history and you'll see that every major, and most minor wars, have some kind of religious connotation to them.


That's telling enough for me how ineffective religion is.


That's not true.

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That's not true.


you just keep believing that youngin.


It doesn't change the historical facts.

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There are so many historical inaccuracies here, I'm not sure where to start...

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Can you believe it? Christians actually believe that their scriptures fortold future events. That everything that is happening in the world currently was spelled out thousands of years ago. See if you can even read half of this and still follow it...




Then there is this stuff...




What do you think X'ers? Are Christians a dangerous bunch? Would the world be better off without them? What would you think if the twelfth Imam nuked the US or Israel or both?



Rev 12:12

They (xians) are the biggest cult there ever was... But it is slowly dying. Dying a slow death like so many of their (xianity) victims.





Most religions predicted an ugly and violent end to humankind.


That's because Xians are usually the cause of all the ugliness and violence portrayed on Humankind!


Unfortunately, when you are the one perpetrating the violence, its easy to know how to predict it!



Most Xians in America don't even know American History... Why would anyone think they would have consistency in a history that stems from over 2000 years ago? American History is less than 300 years old and they can't get that right.


One fundie told me that "The Wall of Division between Church and State," was a) not written by Thomas Jefferson and B) not in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. Need I say more?

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Most Xians in America don't even know American History...


One fundie told me that "The Wall of Division between Church and State," was a) not written by Thomas Jefferson and B) not in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. Need I say more?


Yes, do tell, why don't you say more.


Where specifically is "The Wall of Division between Church and State" found? How many instances of the 'concept' can you find?



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Most Xians in America don't even know American History...


One fundie told me that "The Wall of Division between Church and State," was a) not written by Thomas Jefferson and B) not in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. Need I say more?


Yes, do tell, why don't you say more.


Where specifically is "The Wall of Division between Church and State" found? How many instances of the 'concept' can you find?




Amendment I


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."





And the source of the phrase "wall of separation," courtesy of Mr. Jefferson:


"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a *** wall of separation between church and state." ***


(signed) Thomas Jefferson







an excerpt of his letter to the Danbury Baptist Association






Ben Franklin and George Washington were Free Masons - not Christians. Thomas Jefferson was a Spiritualist - again, not a Christian.






We were born in a very un-holy land...if you believe what Christians spout out of their mouths... :repuke:

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Can you believe it? Christians actually believe that their scriptures fortold future events. That everything that is happening in the world currently was spelled out thousands of years ago. See if you can even read half of this and still follow it...


<links to various web sites to try to convince us of nonsense>


What do you think X'ers? Are Christians a dangerous bunch? Would the world be better off without them? What would you think if the twelfth Imam nuked the US or Israel or both?



Rev 12:12

Umm... are you a Christian thinking that you're being cleaver here, trying to set us up, thinking we're all going to go head off to laugh at a bunch of "crazy" Christians, only as a ruse to get us to look at these sites where you think the Holy Spirit of God will try to speak to us???


If so, shame on you for "misunderestimating" our intelligence! :lmao: Perhaps you 'ought to have lurked around a little while to see that we're not a bunch of gullible children like you and your arrogant condescending pals like to prey upon.


Try talking to us as adults, unless that's too much to handle?

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Here we go again. Yet ANOTHER moronic Xian posting uninformed drivel.


Y'know, there are some forums (Christian) where you must first PROVE yourself worthy before you can post, or begin threads. Maybe it's time we implemented this measure.


Either this, or make people take some sort of intelligence test. Questions such as: "Do you believe that America is/was a Christian nation?" If they answer "Yes" then they get denied membership.


I am sick to fucking DEATH of this sophistry!!! Christians are SO fucking stupid!!!! :vent:




Oh and to answer the earlier questions: YES, I believe that Christians are a dangerous bunch. And fuck YES I believe the entire WORLD would be better off without them. (And take the fucking Muslims with you! You trouble-making, homophobic, brainwashing fucktards!!!!)


OK. I'm done now. This is the Colosseum after all. :asshole2:

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Here we go again. Yet ANOTHER moronic Xian posting uninformed drivel.


Y'know, there are some forums (Christian) where you must first PROVE yourself worthy before you can post, or begin threads. Maybe it's time we implemented this measure.


Either this, or make people take some sort of intelligence test. Questions such as: "Do you believe that America is/was a Christian nation?" If they answer "Yes" then they get denied membership.


I am sick to fucking DEATH of this sophistry!!! Christians are SO fucking stupid!!!! :vent:




Oh and to answer the earlier questions: YES, I believe that Christians are a dangerous bunch. And fuck YES I believe the entire WORLD would be better off without them. (And take the fucking Muslims with you! You trouble-making, homophobic, brainwashing fucktards!!!!)


OK. I'm done now. This is the Colosseum after all. :asshole2:


Okay, Mr. G. Tell us how you REALLY feel...


I completely concur with your statements. I am so tired of hearing misnomers like America being started on Xian principles. Fuck, they don't even live up to their own fucking principles yet damn everyone else when those nasty non-idiots don't BELIEVE. :crucified:


Yet, all the while they LOVE to play the victim... the persecute... the town jesters. Xianity is dying... and I'll be glad when the last of them have been woken up so there is no more of this tom foolery anymore! :die:




Go back through history and you'll see that every major, and most minor wars, have some kind of religious connotation to them.


That's telling enough for me how ineffective religion is.


That's not true.

Prove it! Go dig up the facts on your own. I'm sick of doing your thinking and your homework for you.

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While we are at it, I'll like to point to another wonderful article on Brad's website


America's God-mocking Christian Founders

By Brad


Since fundamentalist Christians are fond of claiming that America was founded and established by God-fearing Christians, they are left with the problem that these "Christian founders" were all rebels and workers of evil in the eyes of the Almighty. The Christian founders of America were actually a bunch of insolent, rebellious, God-mockers.

The Bible makes it clear that those who rebel against God's established authority are not doing His will at all.


Rom 13:1-5

Let every soul be subject to the authorities(human rulers) that are above him. For there is no authority except from God; and those that exist are set up by God.

So that he that sets himself in opposition to the authority resists the ordinance of God; and they who thus resist shall bring sentence of guilt on themselves.

For rulers are not a terror to a good work, but to an evil one. Dost thou desire then not to be afraid of the authority? practise what is good(obey authority), and thou shalt have praise from it;

for it(a human ruler) is God's minister to thee for good. But if thou practisest evil, fear; for it bears not the sword in vain; for it is God's minister, an avenger for wrath to him that does evil.

Wherefore it is necessary to be subject, not only on account of wrath, but also on account of conscience.


The same mandate to obey human authority is echoed in the following:


1 Peter 2:13-15

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;

Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.

For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:


The commands for Christians to obey all human authority, which has been established by God according to his will, is clear and unambiguous.


You can bet that Christian fundamentalists won't quote these verses when they chirp about the Christian founders of this nation.


The Christian founders were all guilty of resisting God's authority.


The servant and authority who God established, Old King George III of England, is in heaven right now, pointing his finger at all the rebellious Christian founders of America telling God, "Yup, that's the rebel bunch who refused your authority on earth. Let them burn."

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