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Honk If You Evolved / Wave if Created by God.


I saw this bumper sticker today on my way home.

I proudly honked.


And then I got to thinking about the public perception of evolution.


Obviously the Christians would like everyone to think of evolution as insulting. Degrading, a means of humans meaning ‘less’. As in less than God’s special beings of course. They sneer at the ideal of people evolving from lesser beings (apes and monkeys the way Christians think…even though this is false).


Human Evolution.


It’s not an insult. And I’d going to devote some time right here, right now to dispel the warped perception of evolution being ‘low’.


I am the Best.


Everyone reading this post is the Best.


You are as an individual represent the Best version of the evolution of humanity. What.....you thought now that homo sapiens is here, that evolution is over? Hardly!


It may not be measurable in any detectable way, but you are better adapted physically, mentally, and physiologically, for the world as it is today than the people who came together to make you.

Your children will be better than you are. Again, probably not measurable, but they will be the next micro-step up on the evolutionary stairs.


Every person who has ever lived has been, in their time, the Best there could be.


We are the Best. And no fear-based belief system can take that away. It is the truth.

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Your children will be better than you are. Again, probably not measurable, but they will be the next micro-step up on the evolutionary stairs.
I definitely have to agree with these statements. I can't measure it, but I realized it long ago and personally (meant in the literal way) witness it every day. :woohoo:
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Obviously the Christians would like everyone to think of evolution as insulting. Degrading, a means of humans meaning ‘less’. As in less than God’s special beings of course. They sneer at the ideal of people evolving from lesser beings (apes and monkeys the way Christians think…even though this is false).


Too true - why is evolving into higher life forms more 'degrading' than being created out of dirt? :shrug:

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What if you honk and wave at the same time? :-)


Being a deist, that would have been more accurate lol!


But I was afraid the Xtian in question would interpret it as me honking just to get his attention, so he notices me waving, and incorrectly tallying me up in his head as "christian".


Does it matter? Of course! I want these ultra religious folk to know without question I disagree with their destructive mechanism.


Much as Mr. Grinch said very clearly elsewhere, I have just as much right to put my own "against the accepted flow" beliefs right out where all can see, without shame. I have as much a right to freedom of speech as the dog-matics, and by golly, if some twit is gonna put a sticker like that on his car, imagining no one would want the "attention" gained by honking in traffic and would therefore "stay silent and in-line"...........I think NOT!


Vive' La Resistance'!!!!!



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What if you honk and wave at the same time? :-)


That would mean you're pro Creatoevolutionist.





Creatoevolutionist- "Hi, I believe God evoluted the universe and all the clout out of seven days (2 billion years each for one day) And I believe Adam and Eve was created on the Sixth Day (12-14 billion years after the universe formed) the first humans was formed on 8,000,004 BC and evoluted to Homo Sapien that is us in 40,000 BC to today. That's my belief."


Ultra Scientist Dude- "What?" :twitch:




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Too true - why is evolving into higher life forms more 'degrading' than being created out of dirt? :shrug:



I thought of that one myself! lol

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What if you honk and wave at the same time? :-)


That's what I would've done :fdevil:


But it is so true - evolution is more complimentary to humanity and the Xian story of creation is more degrading. The Xian is taught to assuage this by thinking he or she is somehow made in the image of their god, which makes it all better. But logically, it pans out better for human self-image to think that our species developed over time, learning and adapting to whatever Nature threw at us, and only got better for it - now we're Humanity 4.0. According to Xianity, all we do is sin and piss their god off, so we're constantly degrading, basically Humanity -4.0.


Which would you rather be?




Belief in a being people choose to call "God" doesn't automatically mean the Xian god nor support of anything in Xian mythology. A Createoevolutionist (like I pretty much am) doesn't accept anything Xian nor has any desire to defend its mythology.

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