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Goodbye Jesus

Christian Bs Doublespeak.


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You ever notice how christians play down or deny things when interacting with the more general public or to skeptics/ex-christians? 


Bible verses suddenly don't mean what they mean. 


God is much more mysterious and not responsible for much of anything.


"You've just not seen True Christianity".


You're not understanding this verse that you think makes your point because context. 



How many of you remember what it was like behind closed doors? You know, in church. Suddenly - god is everywhere! Prayers constantly answered, bible verses meaning what they mean. Everyone knows god's will. Context flies out the window. 


If you want your daily dose of "I can't believe I was one of them" slap on the forehead, go read this:


Why god doesn't feed starving children.


An atheist posts a very solid response to his claims - actual bible verses (and shit loads of them) that, while in church, would mean exactly what they mean, but when the apologist answers the atheist, suddenly they don't mean what they mean and instead are "out of context". 

I caught the guy in his BS and called him on it further down in the comments. The bible verses in question deal with how we aren't to worry about things like food or clothing because god provides. I've downright heard sermons on the topic, discussing our faith in god to provide even the most basic needs to us because he loves us. 


But bring these verses up in the context of starving children or abuse victims and suddenly they don't really mean that. 


Yeah, I'm so glad I'm out of the cult. I'm thankful for places like ex-c, books, and people who forged ahead of me so I can be free of it! I just wish more people could be saved from the bullshit faster.

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It even says that God somehow ensures that lions get fed so he can do the same for us. Thing is, I've watched enough nature documentaries to know that predators sometimes do not always get their prey and are at risk of going hungry- even as a Christian I had to wonder at such verses. Clearly this is human writing based in ignorance of the facts of nature closely observed in a scientific manner.

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Double meanings of Bible verses both inside or outside and church can occur too. God is love, yeah, but when elsewhere the Bible says God hates something or someone, it doesn't actually mean hate but love less.


And the Isaiah 7:14 Problem. Immanuel must be Jesus, as Matthew's gospel says so! Except, erm, no it isn't, look at the actual context and it seems clear that the child to be born is to be born much sooner in time than would be the case if it's Jesus (and if Jesus is God, how can he know to choose the evil over the good?) So, guess what the answer is? "Dual fulfilment"! So, it gets to be about a child to be born in the near future to the prophet and Ahaz's own lifetime, and still gets to be about Jesus! Make any sense? You tell me.


"Yahweh's law is perfect, restoring the soul." (Ps. 19:7). So why did Yahweh need to do away with it for something better, if it was already perfect?


"For this commandment which I command you this day, it is not too hard for you..." (Deut. 30:11) except Christians say that it was, indeed was meant to be meant to be too hard to keep. Note how when the NT quotes this passage, it mntions the bits either side but conveniently leaves out this bit.

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Wait! There's more!


"Don't love the world, neither the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Father's love isn't in him." (1 John 2:15). Except it doesn't mean the physical world but the sinful world system (OK, almost makes sense in context)... but then it's perfectly alright to have possessions, get into politics...


"Give to him who asks you, and don't turn away him who desires to borrow from you." (Matt. 5:42). Except not that homeless guy who'll probably only spend it on drink or drugs anyway. Apparently Jesus wouldn't want that, even depsite setting no preconditions.

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Or the fact that the bible says "god is love" in 1 John, but if you look at the list of attributes of love in 1 Corinthians 13, God is guilty of most of the things that love isn't. But he gets a free pass, cause, well, he's god. But he is love. SMH

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I try not to argue with christians as they just hurt my head.

Me: "haha irrefutable logic!"

Christian: "but magic?"

Me: "fuck it"


Well except here but our Christians here still hurt my head

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Fiction has a way of not affecting reality.

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I shouldn't have wasted my breath - but when someone goes out of their way to make a nice, long rebuttal and is told "the verses you posted don't actually mean what they say they mean and you can't possibly understand because your not saved" just pisses me off. But it pisses me off MORE because I know for a very fact that churches around the country are using said verses exactly as the rebuttal was written. 


It's doublespeak.


"You're not part of the tribe, so of course those verses don't actually mean what they mean. Yes my pastor said they do mean what they mean but only to us christians. You can't understand." 

What I also find funny - if an unsaved person is incapable of understanding the bible, how could they be saved to begin with? Oh yeah - with god leading them. But if god doesn't lead them, then we're screwed right? Starts to sound like our free will doesn't actually matter, does it? So there goes that logic.



I've been worked up lately and seeing stupid shit like the link I posted above just grinds my gears.

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I had to respond to one douchenozzle's response that "Everything is for the glory of god" which OF COURSE is Calvinism, which I despised even when I was a christian.


My response:


"Hooray, Calvinism! The easy way out of these kind of questions. When Calvinism takes on suffering, they go even beyond the ridiculous reply of god to Job when Job asked what he did wrong. Not only should we not question god because of all that he has created and what he has done (who are you, Job, to even question your creator), but the things he has done is for his glory. So even kids starving to death are for the sole purpose of glorifying god."

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The World is beautiful? Praise the Lord!
The World is... worldly, so shun it! The World is shitty? Ain't God's fault, but Satan/Fall/Sin.


Edit: To me certain Biblical passages point to a clear gnostic influence. Of course, mainstream Christians will always deny it, but any biblical scholar worthy of that title - secular or believer - will admit that the early Church(es) was far from a homogenous movement. The disdain of the material World is a clear indication of this (which runs counter to most strains of Judaism) and it's a recurring theme.

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Except bible says God created evil... Oopsie

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You forgot the old "That was then, this is now," argument - one of my personal favorites! A woman should pray with her head covered? Oh, that was then. A woman cannot teach a man? Oh hellllll no, that is NOW!

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