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Goodbye Jesus


Flyby Stardancer

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I HATE plagiarism. And my attitude is reinforced because my university is very strict on plagiarism, which just reinforces my viewpoint.


So, when I saw an act of blatant plagiarism I had to speak up. Of course, I made my post into a piece of concrit and merely suggested that he didn't realize he was plagiarizing, so that I couldn't be hassled by the admin for flaming.


Of course, it's well known to many posters that myself (and Lady Feline as well) do NOT like this guy. In fact, Lady Feline's been given a talking-to by the Admin when she gave some concrit in a hostile tone (it was NOT flaming, slaggit!). I myself have nearly lost my temper and have been tempted to flame him. Luckily, I haven't actually gone that far. Normally I just leave the topic when I feel that urge.


...And this guy really does have the mindset of a fundie. Look at him completely ignore what I'm saying! Good for a laugh, anyways. And for anyone else who's reading to learn what plagiarism is.

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Plagiarism!, Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... Why do idiots do it???


Because they're lazy and uncreative. :shrug:

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Not only are they lazy and unimaginative, but they're stupid as well. And probably want attention for posting something others perceive as good until people learn that it's plagiarism.

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What's kinda funny is that it's not good, even though it's plagiarized. He took a synopsis written about a TV episode and is using that for the opening to his story. And the rest of his story is in the format of a synopsis as well. COMPLETELY mind-bogling.

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