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We No Longer Sin?


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I am a former fundy both Church of Christ and KJV Baptist. I follow a group of street preachers when doing street photography in Miami Beach and am not familier with their preaching that a real christian no longer sins as they cannot sin if born from the seed of God.


What group preaches this teaching?


images http://www.pbase.com/lautermilch/repent

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I am a former fundy both Church of Christ and KJV Baptist. I follow a group of street preachers when doing street photography in Miami Beach and am not familier with their preaching that a real christian no longer sins as they cannot sin if born from the seed of God.


What group preaches this teaching?


images http://www.pbase.com/lautermilch/repent


They get that teaching from the gospels and 1 John and Hebrews. All three teach that once you have the spirit, you no longer will sin..... *SIGH* Yet another blatant contradiction in the bible, along with picking and choosing.


There are over 30000 sects in Christianity, I doubt that they are the only ones who teach that.


Anyone have any website with the groups trying to explain that position? I thought I had seen everything in my visits to various denomonations.

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They still sin, God just can't see it anymore, cause it's covered in blood.


These folks commit the worst sin of all (according to biblical principles). It's called spiritual pride.

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They still sin, God just can't see it anymore, cause it's covered in blood.


I was taught that too. It wasn't in the "I can do no wrong" sense. It was meant to be a paradoxical question that made you love God for being so merciful.

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Since the NT clearly defines thoughts as equal to actual deeds, no one can claim they do not sin.


There's a thousand ways to sin. The creators of God made damn sure that no one would be able to say that they have succeeded in achieving complete holiness.


That's why christianity is the religion of eternal striving. No one can ever say "I have arrived".


They get that teaching from the gospels and 1 John and Hebrews.


Yeah. 1 John says that "no one who abides in him keeps on sinning"


Unfortunately, it also says that if "we say we have no sin, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."



This loony shit can only be resolved by christian pole-vaulting.

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And let's not forget this bumper sticker classic:


"Christians aren't sinless, they just sin less."


As you can see, Christians are divided on the sin issue. (Surprise, surprise!) There are those from the Holiness (pentecostal) camp (sinless perfection is achievable, even bequeathed with the born-again experience), and those of the more conventional (catholic) nature (sin is inevitable, just confess it and be made clean again and again).


Just more looney behavior from a lunatic religion. But understandable considering that the Bible teaches BOTH positions!


If you want to learn more about this nonsense, just type in "Holiness Church" in Google™ or Yahoo!™ search engines. I'm sure they'll spit out tons of garbage.

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Oh yes... the Holiness movement. Also known as pilgrim holiness. I had forgotten they thought that... I remember a holiness pastor once saying that he hoped a teenager who had gotten in a car accident had "prayed it through", meaning that he hopes the boy got a chance to get saved for real since he was supposedly a known sinner. Or not... I think this partitcular church thought you could be saved at different levels... most people didn't get the supreme membership (not able tos in anymore), so most people had to pray after each sin to get resaved. They didn't do tongues or slain in the spirit types stuff, but they were slightly charismatic.

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Since the NT clearly defines thoughts as equal to actual deeds, no one can claim they do not sin.


There's a thousand ways to sin. The creators of God made damn sure that no one would be able to say that they have succeeded in achieving complete holiness.


. . .


According to the NT definition of sin, I don't believe a person can go shopping (or do just about anything) without commiting envy, greed, lust, or putting yourself before God.

When you shop, you are seeking thing you inwardly wish you owned, regardless of whether it's a NEED or a WANT.


Those who buy the NT sin concept really ARE chief among sinners.

Damn sinners.

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I am a former fundy both Church of Christ and KJV Baptist. I follow a group of street preachers when doing street photography in Miami Beach and am not familier with their preaching that a real christian no longer sins as they cannot sin if born from the seed of God.


What group preaches this teaching?


images http://www.pbase.com/lautermilch/repent

Holiness Movement and Churches

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And let's not forget this bumper sticker classic:


"Christians aren't sinless, they just sin less."


See... now that's why it should be legal to carry (and use) paintball guns in one's car. :lmao:



BTW: Mr Grinch - what does your new avatar mean???

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I am a former fundy both Church of Christ and KJV Baptist. I follow a group of street preachers when doing street photography in Miami Beach and am not familier with their preaching that a real christian no longer sins as they cannot sin if born from the seed of God.


What group preaches this teaching?


images http://www.pbase.com/lautermilch/repent


Okay, as for the title, We No Longer Sin?


When you don't believe in Christianity "sin" ceases. Why? Because sin was created by "man" in order to keep other "men" in check; hence, men using God as the great manipulator through concepts of sin. If you are truly not a Xian anymore, then sin becomes a moot point. There is no need to have this guilt any longer. For all the newly ex-xians, just let it all go.......breathe. Deep. And say, I'm letting sin go... like a fucking mantra. Don't worry. You'll get it.

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BTW: Mr Grinch - what does your new avatar mean???

Stylized "A" for Atheism.

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BTW: Mr Grinch - what does your new avatar mean???

Stylized "A" for Atheism.


I must confess to liking it better than your last avatar. Your last one looked pretty vicious. I suppose it served it's purpose for the trolls, though. ;)

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BTW: Mr Grinch - what does your new avatar mean???

Stylized "A" for Atheism.


I must confess to liking it better than your last avatar. Your last one looked pretty vicious. I suppose it served it's purpose for the trolls, though. ;)

That's funny. I thought my last avatar was rather tame. More like a cute elf to me. But then again, I'm E-ville. :wicked:

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I rather liked Mista Grinch's last avatar; it seemed to say "I pity da fool!" But this one works, too.


And I agree with the statement that we do indeed no longer sin, because to those who have rejected the sin-obsessed cults of the middle east, sin is seen for the sick fantasy it is. A sick and perverted idea conjured by humans who are either hateful of themselves or wanting to control others through strawmen. When you leave the cult behind, you leave behind its basic teachings, one of which is that "sin" is real and we do it all the time.


To a Xian or a Muslim or one who accepts Judaism, we are living in sin. But to the rest of the world's religions and religious philosophies, we can't possibly do any such thing. "Sin" is basically anything that offends the god of the Big Three monocults, and as such is a concept nonexistent and unecessary for those who do not ascribe to that kind of god or belief system.


It's hilarious; non-xians do in a snap what most Xians have spent 2000 years trying to do, and that's wipe out sin. You wipe it out like you wipe out the boogeyman, by just not falling for it anymore.

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Well, I liked the stormtrooper best.

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