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Goodbye Jesus

Watching The News In The Am


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Talk about walking out the door in the wrong mood for a new day. As I was getting ready for work, I had CNN Headline news on so I could listen to what was going on elsewhere.


They had a bit on the ass stains who have been protesting at the funerals of soldiers who died in Iraq.


As most of you know, they are protesting homosexuality in America at these funerals. Was the funeral for someone gay? No. Were the mourners all gay? No.


Yet these *people* go to these funerals shouting "I'm glad your son is dead!" and "God hates <insert pretty much anyone you can think of>".


All because there are gay people in America. Does this have anything whatsoever to do with the war in Iraq? FUCK NO!!! Yet these protests at soldier funerals continue. Hate filled phone calls are received in the bereaved parent's home, and their property is egged.


Where the FUCK is the PREZ???? You want a war on terrorism Mr Bush? Well here it is! How about this shit, you dead-daughter fucking monkey cunt!!! :vent:


Would you PLEASE do the nation a fucking favor and go quail hunting with the Vice prez?


And these people doing the protesting at funerals? May they and ANYONE who agrees with their methods be anally raped by a herpes infected hippo! :vent::screams::vtffani::screams:


And YES this is exactly how I feel! So don't ask! I've had to let this boil until lunch so I could vent! Feeling pissed is putting it mildly. I am furious! MAD!!!!!!


This is the kind of thing that makes me feel like religious persecution (as if there truly were any) is justified!




Okay.......meditate.......Open_Minded......Sofia.......Big Toe........SOIL.......(others I forgot)......




Equilibrium reestablishing.

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Didn't you know... God is punishing America's sins by killing soldiers!!


They were supposed to come to a soldier's funeral here in Indiana, but they didn't show because I think the state passed some legislation making it a felony to protest at a funeral within 500 yards.

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That is TERRIBLE that is going on. How disrespectful to the dead and to their families. How low will one go????? Oh, but we all have to remember, this is all done in the love of jesus, right? WTF? Like what they are doing is not considered a sin???? How DISGUSTING these people are and the people that continue to allow them to do such a thing. If they do not like that there are gays in this country.... then those assholes can fucking move to another one.... less trash to deal with here.

UGH I hate this brand of stupidity!

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That is TERRIBLE that is going on. How disrespectful to the dead and to their families. How low will one go????? Oh, but we all have to remember, this is all done in the love of jesus, right? WTF? Like what they are doing is not considered a sin???? How DISGUSTING these people are and the people that continue to allow them to do such a thing. If they do not like that there are gays in this country.... then those assholes can fucking move to another one.... less trash to deal with here.

UGH I hate this brand of stupidity!


Once again, these fundies are not concerned about people's rights on the whole. They're more concerned about their own special interests. They don't give two fucks about anyone else.

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heck....let the fundies colonize Mars. I can see it now. The launch of a brand new "Shuttle Mayflower".


Things in Europe improved greatly after the oppressive and straight laced puritans left for the heathen shores.




Perhaps this is the manner in which it would be "okay" for history to repeat.

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Does anyone her think they would be able to restrain themselves if this happened at their loved one's funeral?????


I couldn't, one of those protesters would end up in a grave if I got the hold of them. I'd make them meet there maker.


Fair enough they can have their opinion, but to come to someones funeral and do that is crossing the line.... How many Homosecuals have had sex during a prayer meeting in a church????

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Yeah, I can relate about the news. Most of it just pisses me off these days, so I rarely watch it on TV except for CNN once in a while. I read it online instead.


As for the protests, I think they are extremely stupid.


heck....let the fundies colonize Mars. I can see it now. The launch of a brand new "Shuttle Mayflower".


Things in Europe improved greatly after the oppressive and straight laced puritans left for the heathen shores.




Perhaps this is the manner in which it would be "okay" for history to repeat.


Heh. Maybe they'll piss off some alien race like the Borg by trying to convert them. I can see it now:


Borg: Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated.


Fundy: Isn't that supposed to be our line?



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Does anyone her think they would be able to restrain themselves if this happened at their loved one's funeral?????


I couldn't, one of those protesters would end up in a grave if I got the hold of them. I'd make them meet there maker.


Fair enough they can have their opinion, but to come to someones funeral and do that is crossing the line.... How many Homosecuals have had sex during a prayer meeting in a church????

That's a very good question. Actually, L, I asked one of my gay guy friends and he told me that he has never known any gay man or woman having sex during a prayer meeting, funeral, church service etc. So why they would go and picket such a place is just beyond anyone who actually thinks for themselves. You should know or will soon learn, xians seldom do anything that makes logical sense.


:nono: They're Christians. Whatelse can I say? Isn't that enough? :vent:

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Hey, check this out, today's news--


Phelps group to stop protests in some states


They still are sick and twisted and intend to challenge the laws anyways. That sign "God is your enemy", gee they know how to win friends and influence people, not! :ugh:


All they really want is attention...

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I decided to check out the site http://www.godhatesfags.com (my very first visit there) and it is just horrible. I do not know how in the hell these people can sleep at night with a clear conscience. Somehow, they have convinced themselves that what they are doing is appropriate and they are using the bible to justify their cause. They spew hate like a waterfall, yet, they expect people to turn to their god????? WTF for? Cause he is so loving????? Yeah, ok? What was really sickening, in the photo section, they actually had children involved with these protests. Breeding little haters to carry on their illness. These people are a disgrace to the human race. Same mentality as the KKK in my opinion.

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