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Goodbye Jesus

The Star Of Bethlehem


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Let's make an example of Paul and Jesus sort of fused together. I could right now take both the OT and NT and work my way through it claiming that the mystery wasn't even completely revealed through the NT and that there's even more that God had saved for our future generation.

This is eerily similar to what is happening in my church at the moment. The Pastor is claiming that not all mysteries have been revealed, and quotes Revelation 10:4 which says "and when the seven thunders uttered I was about to write, and I heard a voice from heaven saying seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered and write them not." (Incidentally it's sad I can rehearse that verse without reference to a bible)


Revelations goes on to say that in the last days the mystery would be revealed.


So this is the basis for the pastor to claim that there is stuff not written in the bible that the 'bride' needs to know to go in the rapture, be translated, or have some quantum gimmicky thing done to them. You get the idea. Of course this pastor has this one true final message so on and so forth - nothing new, we've heard this before - except it's happening right now in my church community of which I am the resident atheist.


@ Readyforchange - this claiming of revelation then people believing that the messenger will return happens quite a bit. There is a following of William M Branham who believe that he was Gods last messenger, and was the spirit of Elijah etc for the last days.


What is interesting about this is the similarities between Branham and Jesus - in fact some followers were claiming he was Jesus returned. Now Christians like to claim that there is no way Jesus could have gone from stories of ordinary teacher to Son of God. It had to be 'real' or people wouldn't have believed him. However if one studies Branham quite closely we can see that the claimed miracles etc never actually happened. Yet in his own lifetime this man was being worshiped as Jesus, and within a few short years of his death a movement generated - today there are 2 -4 million members. These members believe, almost without question that he was a prophet of God, come at the end times, who wrought miracles etc. And this is in a time where we have recent recorded history - we can go back and see the claims are false.


Like Jesus, Branham had a 'light' appear over him at birth, witnessed by his mother and grandmother. As a child he saw visions, heard God speak etc.


This all occurred in the 20th century from 1906 to 1965. Camera and voice recordings of him are available as are living witnesses.


So the argument that legend status for Jesus couldn't have arisen in such a short time fails. All you need is a person with a message, who claims something, and for someone to believe that claim irrespective of whether it is evidence based or not.


Logical Fallacy, the William Branham example is a good one, thanks.

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The Star of Bethlehem has proved to be for me, one of many 'wake up' clues to the mythology and human origin of the Bible and its claims.  I recall starting a similar thread to this a few years back when the spell of Christianity was strong on me.  I thought I'd broken the spell but it persisted strongly up to recently but that's for another thread.


I'm thinking that 'Christmas' cards for this year could feature the night sky resplendent with the constellations etc you mentioned Josh, ie: the real wise men etc. 


It's good to see familiar folk still posting here. biggrin.png


Welcome back, BlackCat!  :)


It's nice to see you here again.

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Thanks BAA.  I'm thankful to be here.  Speak soon no doubt. wink.png 

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