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Goodbye Jesus

Religion Are Grand Unified Theories Of Physics


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What do the holy books talk about ? they talk about human behavior, human drama, struggles between right and wrong, they don't talk about MATTER or science if only very indirectly as clouds, storms and the wrath of god. These holy books are SCIENTIFIC theories of everything if you still didn't notice. They are pornographically SUBJECTIVE EMOTIONAL ACCOUNTS of human experience totally not LUKEWARM. So where is the environment ? where is matter ? where are the photons of science ? A photon is infinitely complex, god is a one line instruction as someone said "if good goto heaven else hell". So matter is infinitely complex and can evolve into thinking beings, god just assigns things from his pure free will , his pure action.


Why do we have these theories of everything that assign a thinking mind that creates the world ? because the minds that invented this could only conceive of something their own minds could understand, and for their own minds to understand it, it must have been exactly as a human mind with decision-will-action so cause and effect is simply an action from the will of a mind and this is totally understandable for a primitive mind.


Any indirect explanantion using words or symbols or anything outside a mind becomes vague, no longer completely understandable. So the god, the Son of Man, the Christ is a mind that our minds completely understand and not some abstract formula or experiment or indirection.




The bible or any other holy book is A COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC THEORY OF EVERYTHING (AKA GRAND UNIFIED THEORY) in that it explains all of reality, all the universe, everything of any importance. It implies that our science is only a very superficial explanation of the creation and laws of physics thought up by the mind of THE UNKNOWN GOD. What we are really dealing with here is the assumption that reality has a "hidden layer" that is deeper and much more important than anything our science can every discover. And actually science becomes almost futile compared with the complete knowledge of god the bible for example provides. Not only that, but it provides an explanation that is perfectly understandable by our minds as it maps perfectly with our understanding of "wrath" "emotions" "good" and "bad" "punishment" "love" "hate" etc. It is a perfect EMOTIONAL theory of reality.


But just like religion can describe a hidden layer of reality, so it is similar to other alternative descriptions of hidden layers. We could be all a brain in a vat, or inside a computer simulation or any other invention that implies what we see is not the whole story and not at all the most important one. God could have simply made a much smaller stage with just a few hundred souls fighting good and bad, it would be perfectly equivalent to the bible reality.


Photons are infinitely complex as described by quantum electrodynamics and as descibed at the plank level. And the possible combinations of matter is mind boggling compared to the bible's very simplified reality.



"23For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you.


24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands."

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You want to clarify your position a little more? This time....using grammer the correct way?

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You want to clarify your position a little more? This time....using grammer the correct way?


In simpler terms, the bible should be an explanation of everything, of the universe and how it came to be and why it is here and all else. It competes against science as a total explanation of everything. Comparing it to science it explains things as emotional struggles between good and bad, everything is defined in terms of human behavior. This is what I am trying to say above, although the ideas are rather hard to convey.


If some scientist were to take the bible as REAL, it would imply that reality has another layer to it. That what we see and experiment is not the whole story and most of all is NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. This property of religion is similar to those wild ideas that state similar concepts such as we are all BRAINS IN A VAT, or that we are all living inside computer simulations and any other science fiction idea that wants to create a hidden layer to physics-reality-universe.


You can also think that god himself is in a vat or that the physical laws of our universe are based on much simpler laws that we cannot see or that there is a hierarchy of layers of reality or that there are many gods each having his own universe etc. Religion is just one of trillions of non falsifiable hidden layer hypothesis.

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Can I have some of whatever you are smoking? Pass the bong!

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Can I have some of whatever you are smoking? Pass the bong!


Here, here.


What is the definitive parallel, I don't see it. If we are going to compare religion to any science (sorry, but religion has never been a comprehensive explanation for everything) I would guess sociology, and to some degree psychology. That's it. the best we can do it compare religion to soft sciences, and abstractly at that. Really, it's more of a case study within those sciences, soooooo in conclusion, you are way off.

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You want to clarify your position a little more? This time....using grammer the correct way?


In simpler terms, the bible should be an explanation of everything, of the universe and how it came to be and why it is here and all else. It competes against science as a total explanation of everything. Comparing it to science it explains things as emotional struggles between good and bad, everything is defined in terms of human behavior. This is what I am trying to say above, although the ideas are rather hard to convey.


If some scientist were to take the bible as REAL, it would imply that reality has another layer to it. That what we see and experiment is not the whole story and most of all is NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. This property of religion is similar to those wild ideas that state similar concepts such as we are all BRAINS IN A VAT, or that we are all living inside computer simulations and any other science fiction idea that wants to create a hidden layer to physics-reality-universe.


You can also think that god himself is in a vat or that the physical laws of our universe are based on much simpler laws that we cannot see or that there is a hierarchy of layers of reality or that there are many gods each having his own universe etc. Religion is just one of trillions of non falsifiable hidden layer hypothesis.


But we're not in a computer program. And there is no other world. There is no realm of the spirits, no "4D Space" and no alternate dimension. This is escapist thinking that takes our mind off what really matters to us - like keeping the planet alive so that we can continue to exist. Its pointless to search for things like this. Even if they do exist, they don't matter to us. This is where human creativity takes a bad turn, because there is no hidden layer, no hidden secret, no way of "escaping" reality.

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