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Point of Inquiry podcast -Edward Tabash - True Meaning of Church/State Separation


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Edward Tabash is a constitutional and civil rights lawyer in Beverly Hills, California. Graduating magna cum laude from UCLA in 1973, he graduated from Loyola Law School of Los Angeles three years later and was admitted to the California Bar that same year. He has chaired the National Legal Committee of Americans United for Separation of Church and State since 1995. He has been the most publicly-active man in the abortion rights movement in California since 1981. He has argued and won before the California Supreme Court and sits as a part-time judge for the Los Angeles County Superior Court system. Since 1990, he has been a member of the First Amendment Committee of the ACLU of Southern California. In election year 2000, he finished second out of four in a primary for the California State Assembly. He was the only open atheist to be a major contender for a state legislative seat in the United States during that election cycle. He has successfully represented the scientific outlook and secular humanism in public debates against the leading Christian philosophers around the world. In addition to serving on the Board of the Center for Inquiry and advising the Council for Secular Humanism's First Amendment Task Force, he chairs the Center for Inquiry West, in Hollywood, California. In this discussion with DJ Grothe, he explores the true meaning of separation of church and state, and defends secularism both for believer and unbeliever alike. Also in this episode, Lauren Becker announces Ten Amendments Day, as opposed to Ten Commandments Day, and explains ways listeners can personally get involved advancing public understanding of the Bill of Rights.

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