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Goodbye Jesus

I Wish People Understood This...


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This rant is a positve one, but one that I think needs to be heard. It is so easy for materialists of all varities to boast about the mechanical truths of being free from gods (i.e. life is more valuable in the here and now, so we should live it to the fullest, that we do greater service to science and to self by displaying honesty in facing facts about the world others refuse to see, etc. blah, blah, blah). It is all too possible to affirm things like these while not taking home the greatest benefit that the materialist life has to offer - contentment. I wish more was said about this in the freethought movement.


Because I was once a theist and minister, I can understand being incontent, always longing to "do the Lord's work", fear of sinning against him, of letting him down, of doing what my elders desired of me to a fault, of always having my gaurd up to "fight the good fight of faith", or tirelessly giving of myself and reminding myself that it was never good enough for "Ye have done that which is your duty to do," of accepting that I was a sinner, not good enough for the spook I worshipped. I studied and studied and studied, only to find that I would never have the answers because God didn't want me to have them: "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God" (Deut 29:29). I longed to see spiritual progress and good being done because of what I did, but the results were unimpressive and seemed to diminish the harder I worked towards them. I was, to use the very words that the Bible applies to the unsaved, "ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (2 Peter 2:4). I came to find that the bible promised but never delievered. I was no closer to solving life's great mysteries and problems as was anyone else, religious or otherwise. My de-conversion went far beyond realizing that certain passages of the Bible are contradictory. I learned mucn more about life than the fact that no judgmental spectre sits in the clouds to strike us down when we've done wrong. I came to appreciate a life that I had been missing for as long as I could remember.


I learned that time and deadlines and pressing obligations are bullshit. I didn't need to rush and I met obligations which I found to be prudent and fit. There was no reason to get stressed out about anything. Life would bring what it would bring, good or bad, and there was nothing I could do about either way.


I learned the difference between important and petti concerns, the important being those I considered of personal concern to me and those I love. I learned to throw off social concerns, and nonsensical worries and cares that did not have an impact upon my life. To hell with everything and everyone except those I value in some way. If you don't like me or what I stand for or the way I dress or carry myself, then to hell with you. I don't need you, just like I don't need my ex-wife. Be my friend or be my enemy, doesn't matter to me. I'd rather have friends than enemies, but when push comes to shove, it's just me, just as it was when I was going through the hell of losing my faith. I don't owe the world anything and it sure as hell doesn't owe me anything. I'll live happily or die painfully. Doesn't matter. Might or might not turn out like I like it. We each just try to make deals and go on living each day.


I found that the little things I took for granted in life were really the big ones. I learned that every glass of perfectly sweetened tea, every sip of soda, every cool gust of wind that hit my skin and the smell of firewood in the air, those were the precious things, the humble things that this rushing, insane world seems not to give a second thought about. Time stops when I find what few bits of joy this life offers. I can appreciate the good. I don't miss what is valuable. I take it in. I make it apart of me.


I learned that there's no reason not to do what I enjoy and what I really want, even if that field doesn't offer glamour or wealth. I'm still the same old fool underneath whether I'm making $160,000 a year or $16,000.


I learned that it's OK to be lazy and self-willed, so long as I could live with my self in so doing. I will sleep till 4:30 PM if I want to. I will call in sick just before my shift is supposed to start if I want to. I will get drunk if I want to.


I learned that it is very possible to balance responsibility and a hedonistic outlook on life at the same time, if only I desire to and to the degree I desire to.


Life is here now and I'm not going to waste another freaking minute of it in hesitation, indecision, worry, and unrest. I wish everyone could understand that.



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Amen, brother! Whoever thinks atheism is 'unspiritual' doesn't understand what life is really worth. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and I can say honestly I've never appreciated existence as much as when I admitted to myself I was a full-blown atheist.


The rest of my life, I'll make the most out of living that I can!

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Great topic!


It sums up what I'm striving toward. I have a long way to go, but I'm getting there.


A cool, sunny and a wide open road with me on my motorcycle, just cruising along. Sailing, hot coffee with a hint of real vanilla, sunrises and sunsets. Dark chocolate and red wine.


I know some people who live to work, not work to live. I don't shirk my responsibilities and I work hard, but work is not who I am, it a way to pay the bills.


Life is here now and I'm not going to waste another freaking minute of it in hesitation, indecision, worry, and unrest. I wish everyone could understand that.


Words to live by. Thank you!

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A masterful post! Beauty!


I loved it!


Now I want it to warm up so I can go camping!

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Well said! I agree that it is very sad how much of the beauty of the world is tossed aside due to theistic beliefs.


Its <b>YOUR</b> life, so do what you want with it, and enjoy it!

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Guest singlecoil

Great post. I have never enjoyed life nor been as much at peace since I gave up the ghost (the holy one of course). I enjoy the little things so much more. I even appreciate my children more and learn to treasure the little moments I have with them because I truly believe there is no afterlife, so enjoy this one.

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....I learned that it's OK to be lazy and self-willed, so long as I could live with my self in so doing. I will sleep till 4:30 PM if I want to. I will call in sick just before my shift is supposed to start if I want to. I will get drunk if I want to.


I learned that it is very possible to balance responsibility and a hedonistic outlook on life at the same time, if only I desire to and to the degree I desire to.....



Exactamundo! And taking the responsibility isn't that onerous. The Ol' Jezusah-Cult used to tell me that unbelievers were the ones all saddled down with burdens. Sorry. The joys and burdens of life are only what we make of them and how we choose to create something out of them.


Right on. :grin:

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