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Scientists Want to Build a Super-Fast, Self-Replicating Computer That "Grows as It Computes"

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Scientists say it's possible to build a new type of self-replicating computer that replaces silicon chips with processors made from DNA molecules, and it would be faster than any other form of computer ever proposed - even quantum computers.

Called a nondeterministic universal Turing machine (NUTM), it's predicted that the technology could execute all possible algorithms at once by taking advantage of DNA's ability to replicate almost perfect copies of itself over billions of years.


"Grows as it computes" could be very interesting. In some ways it might have some kinship to Google search. Once you search for something, it may appear to the computer that you're beginning to search for the same thing again. At that time the search engine makes suggestions similar to your previous searches. The key I think will be is whether a novelty will come from this growth. Something completely different from the computer input that has come before, a new insight of some kind so-to-speak?


That's very cool, but...



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