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Goodbye Jesus

I Just Got A Call From A Best Friend.....

The Sage Nabooru

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I once mentioned in a topic that a friend of mine's father threatened her when she said she didn't know what happened to us after we died, suggesting there's a possibility we might live on, which drove him nuts. He is to atheism what Jack Chick is to Christianity. He doesn't like me for believing in the Divine or in spirituality, believes religion should be made illegal, and grunts every time he passes a church/temple in the car. I don't know what happened to him as a kid to make him like that - or perhaps he was raised with those beliefs - but I really hate being around him; it's actually a little scary just knowing he knows my beliefs.


So apparently L (my friend) found out from a school friend about Taoism and Buddhism and started developing an interest in it. She didn't tell me, but then I've been busy at work lately and unable to talk to her recently. Anyway, she borrowed some books from her, and left them on her bed at home, and this had to be one of the incredibly rare occasions her dad walked in her room looking for something. He went absolutely ballistic, started pulling clothes out of her closet screaming about how he was throwing her out and never wanted to see her again. She has a bunk bed, and he pulled the top off of it. He cussed her out, cursed the school friend, cursed me, cursed Taoism/religion/spirituality/etc. L was screaming and in tears, he was throwing things off her shelves and she didn't know what to do besides sit down on her bathroom floor and watch. He left the room still fuming, she shut the door, he yelled at her, she grabbing a plastic bag and started throwing things in it, drove to the Holiday Inn, and called her school friend and me from there, to tell us to never go near her dad again (like I would've wanted to). I think she really just wanted to vent. She's absolutely shaking, and obviously she's going to have to go back, you can't live off a plastic bag. Basically, he's the reason I can't tolerate militant atheists, and now I hate him more than you could ever possibly imagine. I hate him more than Osama bin Laden, Joyce Meyers, and George Bush put together and tripled. I hope he gets an iron up the ass for scaring her like that and treating her like such shit. He'd better be grateful he's an hour and a half away or else I'd make him scream and cry just like he made her.


So, just venting here. I can't even begin to go into how mad I am. Some people are such bigots. I hate religious hatred of all kinds. I told L to tell him that he'd better not fuck around with her again or I'd drive that way out just to kick his ass. I'm sure she won't, but dammit I wish I could.

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He must have some type of militant personality, or just wants to control those around him so that they line up with his sense of "rightness". Fundamentalists come in all stripes. Your friend needs to start making plans to live on her own, and needs to keep religion on the back burner when she visits him. This guy doesn't sound approachable at all.

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What an asshole.


That's Christian unconditonal love for ya.

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That's Christian unconditonal love for ya.


You didn't read any of it, did you?


She went home today and only her mother was home. She wrote me a quick email and says she's just packed up a few more things and is moving in with one of her friends over there. (She's an hour and a half away from me, which would be inconvenient for both of us.) I don't know the other friend's phone number, but I do have L's cell number.


It just tears me up that somebody could impose that kind of thinking and behavior on their own kids. "Only people who think exactly how I think are acceptable human beings, and if you ever think differently, consider yourself disowned." What a way for anybody to raise a child to adulthood. It imposes nothing but fear and confusion as the kid grows up. I often wonder if people ever really seperate themselves from their kids or just think they're simply extensions of themselves.

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I'm sorry your friend has a father like that. :( He sounds dangerous. I hope she's old enough to live on her own.

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I'm sorry to hear that. It just proves that fundies come in all stripes. I hope your friend can find someplace safe to stay; the father sounds abusive.

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Good grief! I really feel for your friend. The concept of a "fundamentalist atheist" never occurred to me. Geez, doesn't that moron know that you can study Buddhism and still be atheist? Like Asimov said: What an asshole.


I hope your friend is okay. But I think she's truly better off without him in her life.

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He's obviously not a true atheist.

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