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Imagine keeping the Sabbath


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Imagine a modern world where no one could work on Saturday on fear of death. So there are no emergency services, no police will come if you call and theres no need for ambulances because the ER is closed. No public transport, no shops, no TV or radio.

It would be like the movie The Purge. No law enforcement would mean crime rates would skyrocket. But of course you can't patrol or post guards cos that would be working.

Better hope your baby isn't born on Saturday cos no mid-wives will be working.  If your house catches fire does it count as work to try and put it out?

No resthome staff, no critical care staff, the death toll would soar.  Just have the body carts roll around the streets every Sunday.

Hotels would have to kick guests out and flights would have to make sure they were grounded in time. 

Be a good idea for a novel, the world on sabbath day.

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One time when I was 12 or so and deep in Fundy-land, I refused to wear a shirt because it was washed on Sunday. Oh, the good old days.

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The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. ~jesus 

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OP, your premise is faulty at best.


Police, emergency services, etc would (and do) operate on the Jewish Sabbath. Mercy/help is more important than not working on that day.


Midwives, etc would all still be doing their jobs. The (perhaps) one thing you mentioned that would be likely would be the airplane scenario.


Of course, the pilots wouldn't be operating the planes with the possibility of having to do so during the Sabbath, so that's a wash.


Also, remember that you're talking about ONE version of ONE interpretation of the biblical passages regarding the Sabbath. There are millions of Jews whose

stores are open, who travel, etc on the Sabbath. It's a matter of one regional tribal tradition over another, perhaps more modern tradition.


Besides, if you're worried about Christards or Orthodox Jews enforcing Sabbath laws, just take a look at how many denominations there are in both cases.


They'd never be able to come up with a ruling board of leaders who could write and enforce the rules anyway - they'd be fighting from the get-go and would never come to any consensus.


Fuck all that mythical shit. If the "god of the universe" gives a shit whether I carry firewood on one day over another, he/she/it/they can kiss my ass.

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Imagine keeping the sabbath...


That's exactly what people who claim to do it actually do.

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They would be arguing. Some Jews would say it's Friday Sunset to Saturday sunset. Others would have a fixed time. Some Christians would do it on a Saturday, some on a Sunday. Even if e.g. Became a 100% Christian country, there would be enough people arguing when it actually was that there would always be someone working.


Even if everyone agreed e.g. It is Fri 6pm to Sat 6pm there would be enough Hindus, Chinese buddhists & other 'foreigners' to keep things moving. 


If if everyone was a born again Christian and through the Holy Spirit agreed on the same 'correct' day then it would happen as you say, except Christians would argue that 'God will provide' , like with manna.

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