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Hmmm well apparently I was a Bishop in a cult! My church was The church of God of the gospel assembly still lead by Steve Pratt the overseer. We branched off from The church of God of the union assembly when Jesse Pratt jr. Took over. I was just doing some googling and found that a recent book has been written about the union assembly by a local Georgian Author. David Cady


Religion of fear



I need to buy this book. I knew there were issues in the past but I didn't know it was this bad. A lot of the strict rules still apply. But they don't preach against doctors anymore though many members even in the Gospel assembly still believe that. 


Oddly enough, they split not because of these issues presented in the book, but because the union assembly became to worldly.......... wow...... ..... Yeah I'm gonna have to read this and let it all sink in. No wonder some of my baptist friends were worried about my conversion to the gospel assembly.


Dark Bishop


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I think your Baptist friends are also in a cult.

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3 hours ago, florduh said:

I think your Baptist friends are also in a cult.

Yeah true, from this point of view they are all cults. Just some are bigger and not quite as bad as the one I was in lol.


This post may have been better placed in Exchristian life or as a comment or edit into my initial testimony. When I found the link I was thinking this kind of went along with it so I placed it here. If it needs to be moved feel free to do so.




Wow!  Interesting article and I'm sure a bit mind-blowing for you. I liked the thoughts at the end. hopefully it is helpful to see your church for what it was. And that it can help you de-program more successfully. 

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Once we tap into our tribal thinking all bets are off because we decide first what's true and then use our reasoning abilities to prove to ourselves that we know to be true is in fact true. Add that to the knowledge that we are nothing in comparison to god and therefore must never question god and we have all the necessary ingredients that will allow us entry into a cult. As I like to say I think we are genetically programed to be tribal, so being part of a close group is very fulfilling on the most basic level of our human nature. Churches have learned every trick in the book to tap into our tribal instincts over the years and I believe that is why they have thrived. No one does tribal better than the fundamental christian sects.

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