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Goodbye Jesus

When you "google" ex christian

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The first four adverts are for pro christian websites......




I get ex-christian links from Yahoo search.


Same from BING.


I get ex christian link on Google from earch for "ex christian"


must be your work station, Gary.

Better format the hard drive!  :P:P:P

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My targeted ads have switched from "Meet Asian singles" to "Meet Christian singles" now... Thanks, ex-christian.net!

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My targeted ads have switched from "Meet Asian singles" to "Meet Christian singles" now... Thanks, ex-christian.net!


Woo hoooooooooooooooooooo!

You're set, Rounin!


Just think of all that "talking" but not dating.

Going to bable studies but not dating.

Meeting her (his?) jacked up fundy parents but not dating.

All those "fun" church gatherings where you try to keep from rolling your eyes and maybe even vomiting.


But absativley, possalutely no dating... and certainly NO FUCKING!   :49: <-- Rounin


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Mawhahahahaha hooo hoo wheeee looky at this:


Is there such a thing as an ex-Christian? - Got Questions?

This Scripture makes it abundantly clear—there is no such thing as an ex-Christian. If a person is truly a Christian, he/she will never depart from the faith “…for if ...


You don't exist people - there is no such thing as an ex-christian. How can we tell? Because the Bible says so!


I think we need to create a new logical fallacy. (Cough... cue name) - It is the "No ex christian logical fallacy". Similar to the no true Scotsman argument, the no ex christian argument fallaciously argues that there cannot be ex-Christians simply because a book says so.


For anyone interested in fallacious arguments - if you want to see an entire article that is one huge fallacious argument click on the link I posted. These are assertions posted from the singular interpretation of the writer without any justification for the correctness of said argument.


There are ex-Christians - how can we tell? I am one! The fact a christian attempts to define me out of reality is irrelevant to reality. I am ex-christian.



By the way I got plenty of hits:








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