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Goodbye Jesus

Scientists discover atheists might not exist

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There is a lot wrong with this article, and in the lively discussion below, but thought I'd post out of interest.


The one thing I got out of it is when you don't correctly understand a subject or a persons position you get a whole lot wrong!

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Interesting! The human ability of abstraction/imagination creates endless scenarios and simulations for us. I think the problems arise when we land on something or someone imaginary as true and real. But then again, imagination gives us the ability to consider possibilities that are not immediately apparent, and some of those may be real while we are yet ignorant of their reality. Imagining metal that can float over another piece of metal seems silly, but then we witness it in magnets and suddenly there is a previously unknown force in play that was real all along but wasn't apparent until it was discovered. Then begins the process of trying to figure out why it works. That leads to a connection with electricity, which also wasn't an intuitive connection despite having seen electrical power in lightning and static forms.


I remain curious about the things I have encountered in spiritual settings that I know are not the god of the Bible, but leave me wondering about them. Heat blazing down on me in a living room with no heater vent over my head; a voice speaking clearly to me at least 3 times; seeing a "spirit-guide" in the form of an Egyptian goddess whose name I didn't know until an hour later when someone told me; feeling energy zipping through my body and focused on the abdomen and causing me to shake, and my wife describing the same sensation before I said anything about it. Curious things that I can not yet explain, but cause me to ponder and explore possibilities. I entertain possible explanations from others who say "this is what it is", but I haven't yet been able to verify through repetition or consistent retrieval of verifiable information.



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